This gay couple revealed that they were having triplets in the most adorable way

A gay couple revealed the news that they are expecting triplets and the way they did it was adorable.

Dads Jason Babcock, 30, and Adam Gentile, 31, took to Instagram to tell the world that their family is about to expand from one child to four.

Jason Babcock and son Tristan

(Photo by jbabs245/Instagram)

The Massachusetts based couple posed wearing “Dad of All Things shirts while holding their son Tristan, who is wearing a thing one onesie.

Behind them on a washing line a thing two, three and four onesie are hanging.

Alongside the adorable announcement picture, the couple wrote that they were “extremely excited” about what the future held for them.

Adam Gentile and son Tristan

(Photo by jbabs245/Instagram)

The added: “Our family is growing exponentially. We are expecting triplets come May 2018! It’ll be a full house of laughter, love and craziness!”

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The couple received the happy news that they could expect three more additions to their family after their surrogate mother for Tristan, Jessica, agreed to carry again for them.

Jessica already had three children of her own, a husband, two jobs and is studying at nursing school.

Adam, Tristan and Jason

Adam, Tristan and Jason
(Photo by jbabs245/Instagram)

Talking about the happy news to GSN, the pair said that they were ‘overwhelmed’ at the news and described Jessica as an “angel” for taking on so much responsibility.

Babcock said: “All of this is enough to handle without thinking about carrying a child for friends, let alone triplets.

She is “an angel, a blessing, just the best.”

Gay Baby

“She does it simply because she believes we deserve a family the way anyone else does.

“We will forever be in debt to her and her family.”

He added that despite doubling in size as a family unit they were excited.


“It’s overwhelming, but it’s also so exciting to think about the family we are getting with triplets,” he said.

The pair met ten years ago at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and tied the knot in 2013.

Their first son was born on January 6, 2017.

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Same-sex parents have become experts at running adorable Instagram accounts that celebrate their families.

Bud and Manuel, the parents of four-year-old Álvaro and two-year-old Carmen, set up the account Two Gay Papas.

It documents the realities of family life with two small children, and is full of wonderful moments.

Gay parents

Speaking about the account, they said it is “full of ‘firsts’”.

“There are posts about Carmen’s first steps, Álvaro’s first words, Carmen’s first time eating spaghetti, their first pepperoni pizza, their first day at the beach together.”

They decided to set up the account to try and help normalise a family unit where the parents are in a same-sex relationship.

“People who may not know any same-sex parents are able to see first-hand that two men can be great parents.

A happy family with same-sex parents

“Our family is just a different type of family that they haven’t seen before,” they added.

A Brazilian dad’s beautiful letter to his adopted son recently went viral.

Deberth Araujo, who adopted William with his partner Guilherme Gatto in the same year that his father died, thanked the child for “saving him”. 

Deberth, who lives in Rio Grande do Norte in the northeast of the country, wrote that after he heard about the orphan’s fate, he knew he had to help.

“When I learned that you lived between orphanage and hospitals, alone, without family, so small, already with 11 hospitalisations for pneumonia and various allergies, I felt a mixture of a calling and fear,” he said.

Deberth told his son that he was torn between being “your hero and saving you” and “the fear of the greatest responsibility of my life.

“But in the first hug I saw it was I who would be rescued and saved. We were being chosen. It’s inexplicable.”

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