ISIS executioner who threw gay men off buildings bribed his way out of prison in ‘minutes’

An ISIS executioner who became notorious for throwing gay men to their death from the tops of buildings reportedly bribed his way out of prison within “minutes”.

Abu Omer was captured by security forces in Mosul, Iraq last week, but he reportedly bribed his way out of jail quickly after his detention.

(Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE/AFP/Getty Images)

Human rights watch group, the Clarion Project, said that Omer, who is known as “White Beard”, paid his way out of jail.

They described the escape as a “remarkable failure of the Iraqi justice system”.

“[An] ISIS religious leader was arrested and released just minutes later after paying a $7,500 (£5,500) bribe.”

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The henchman was brutal in his murderous habits, having appeared in a 2015 video which showed him behead three men who were accused of homosexuality.

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His detainment was covered internationally, but within an hour he was once again detailed.

His release has been condemned by leading human rights figures.

Related: Security forces capture ISIS executioner who threw gay men off buildings

UN ambassador and Yazidi genocide survivor Nadia Murad wrote on Twitter: “We heard from media that this Isis terrorist detainee who used to slaughter people in Mosul is now set free by some corrupt officials.

“We ask for justice, we demand UNSC resolution to be implemented immediately.”

Thousands of LGBT people have been displaced in Iraq and Syria, as the terrorist group known as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) continues to actively target and execute gay men.

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The terrorist group has taunted the West with a string of ‘death to gays’ execution videos, showing men accused of homosexuality being thrown off buildings and pelted with stones.

recent report from the Human Rights Campaign highlighted how men alleged to have sex with men are hunted down by ISIS, targeted on social media and subjected to extreme violence.

Among the vicious attacks: ISIL has tied nooses around these men’s necks and dragged them behind trucks, burned them alive, thrown them off buildings and stoned them to death.

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The report states: “ISIL has unleashed a reign of terror against civilians and vulnerable minorities living in areas it has seized, including barbarous violence against LGBTQ people.

“ISIL’s extreme ideology is interpreted by its followers to require the death penalty for those who engage in sexual relations outside of heterosexual marriage, including same-sex sexual relations.”

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