‘Boycott’! Underwear brand Andrew Christian emails Tom Daley nude pictures to customers

Underwear firm Andrew Christian has come under fire after it emailed leaked naked images said to be of Tom Daley to its customers.

The two images, which emerged online in the last week, reportedly show Daley naked in a sexually suggestive pose on his bed.

The company sent out an email entitled: “TOM DALEY LEAKED NUDES !!” and shared the news on Twitter.

The email invited people to click through to their website where users can see Tom Daley “like you’ve never seen him before.”

Tom Daley

The company linked to an article on its website which included the two explicit images.

The email added: “Some of Tom’s personal pics have hit the web and now we know how he likes it!”

Going even further, the brand wrote: “He’s just inviting us to dive right in.”

Some customers have now called for a boycott of the brand following the online content.

Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black (Photo by Tim P. Whitby/Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images)

One Twitter user wrote: “I’ll probably get slandered, but Andrew Christian emailing their entire database with Tom Daley’s nudes has got the be the lowest point of 2018 so far. #boycott #tomdaley”

The photos were apparently taken back in 2016 when Daley and his current husband, Dustin Lance Black, were on a seven-month break.

Regarding the photos that have recently resurfaced, a close friend of Daley told The Sun: “The pictures are old. From 2016, way before Tom and Lance were married.

“They are from a time where they split for a few months, which they have both talked about previously, but they reunited.”

Daley also broke his silence after a video from the seven month break was released.

He said: “It was the distance. It’s not like I actually met up with anyone.

“I’m 22 years old, and if you talk to someone through social media it is what it is. It was nothing more than that. We never physically met.”

He added: “This will absolutely never happen again … Lance and I had time apart then came back together, realising we’re meant for each other. We’re soulmates.”

In a candid interview earlier in 2018, Lance Black admitted the pair sometimes fall out and “fight” with each one another.

The couple, who tied the knot in a country wedding last year, said they have to spend as much as five weeks at a time apart due to transatlantic schedules.

Tom Daley (Photo by Clive Rose/Getty Images)

“We’ve been together now almost five years and I’m still discovering new things about him,” Lance Black told Gay Times magazine.

“There’s a constant renewal to our relationship and I’ve never experienced anything like it. It’s really exciting.”

The 43-year-old, who has not been married before, admitted wedded life had some downfalls and the pair still fight.

“I mean, we’re certainly not two perfect people. We have fights. Although when we fight, we just get very, very quiet. And then we know we’re in trouble, one or the other!”

(Photo by Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images)

He proudly proclaimed: “We’re certainly not doing it for public approval.”

The pair previously admitted to the Attitude Heroes podcast that their relationship is far from perfect.

“We have really tough times and struggles. For example we went long distance for a very, very, long time: he was in LA, I was living in London. We would spend sometimes five weeks apart.

“And it’s something that was really, really tough and we’ve had to make massive and dramatic changes in our lives in order to be able to live together and see each other all the time. So it’s not all plain sailing.”

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