Alabama student suspended for asking her girlfriend to prom

A student has been suspended by her school after asking her girlfriend to prom.

After her girlfriend had performed in the talent show at Alabama’s Alexandria High School, Janizia Ross got up on stage and asked her to prom.

The promposal has become a wholesome trend in the age of social media, involving one person asking another in a public forum, often with puns and food involved.

Janizia (right)
(Facebook/janizia ross)

But despite her girlfriend saying yes, it all went wrong for 17-year-old Janizia.

She was given an in-school suspension yesterday, as was another female student who was acting as MC at the show and helped her with the promposal.

Ashley Fadely, another student at the high school, told that school officials called the sweet act of public affection a “disruption.”


She continued: “I was there when it happened. It was right after her performance.

“No words were spoken by them. They just got happy, hugged and that was it.

“If it was a male and a female student, nothing would have been done,” she added.

Writing on Facebook, Ashley said “Literally no amount of punishment was necessary.”

A recent graduate of the school, Nick Wyville, posted publicly on Facebook and wrote to the Superintendent of the Calhoun County Schools to bring attention to the situation.

Nick, who is now a sophomore at Harvard College, said that straight couples had previously asked each other to prom – and even to marry each other – with no consequences.

“I write to you to urge the principal of Alexandria High School to drop all charges against the two young girls and to the hosts of the talent show, and any others involved,” said Nick.

“Federal law and the United State Constitution bars the harassment of LGBT students in public high school.

If the case is made that this was a public display of affection in front of an audience, then there is precedent that contradicts that very action,” he added.

“When the talent show first unveiled itself, a male proposed to a female, and they faced no consequences. I, along with many others, can stand witness to that.”

Janizia, who plays basketball for the high school, responded to the post, telling Nick: “I really appreciate you for going out of your way in order to contact these people to fix this situation!

“Both me and her thank you.”

Lainey Staggs, another student at the school, commented on the post, saying that she would be boycotting the prom because of the school’s actions.

(Facebook/lainey staggs)

“I was so excited for prom, I’ve dreamt about it for years,” she wrote.

“However knowing that my school is intolerant of the lgbt community I’ve decided to not go and just get my money back because they don’t want people like me there”.

Hunter Heifner, who also went to Alexandria High School, wrote that he had previously proposed to his girlfriend on stage at the school – with no ramifications.

(Facebook/hunter heifner)

“I stood up and did that s*** myself. They didn’t do s*** to me even though Mr. Holley tried to prevent it,” he wrote.

“That’s not fair. Let kids learn love and feelings, themselves.

“Shouldn’t intervene in stuff like that… That sucks though… I hope it only reinforces the potential they formed.”

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