Milo Yiannopoulos is selling vitamins to make a living

Last year, Milo Yiannopoulos’ career tanked after a recording emerged that appeared to show the right-wing poster boy endorsing sex between “younger boys” and older men.

He lost his job as technology editor at Breitbart, his book deal with Simon & Schuster was axed and he was removed from the line-up of the Republican CPAC conference – diminishing his standing as a right-wing figurehead.

Unable to find another mainstream publisher, he self-published Dangerous and reportedly made over $1 million from the book, despite selling just 152 copies in the UK by its release date.

The book sold 18,000 copies in the US, according to Nielsen Bookscan. It had debuted at number one of Amazon’s non-fiction chart.

Yiannopoulos’ PR team had claimed that 100,000 copies had been sold in the US.

The book had a poor chance from the get go, as scathing edits calling the book “unclear” and “unfunny” made by his former editor at Simon & Schuster, were leaked.

The string of fall-downs has clearly had a knock on effect to Yiannopoulos’ career, and bank account, as he has resorted to selling vitamins to make a living.

Milo Yiannopoulos holds up a copy of a legal complaint (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

That’s right, Milo Yiannopoulos, the gay darling of the alt-right movement, is peddling supplements.

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Appearing on a recent episode of InfoWars, the satellite radio which also boasts hosts such as Alex Jones (who believes in ‘brain-eating’ lesbians), Yiannopoulos took a break in his show to talk about “Icuren” which claims to be a 30-day liver and kidney “cleanse.”

“The best endorsement I can give you is that I’m very careful about what I put inside myself,” Milo said, before swallowing the supplement and saying “Let’s do it!”

Yiannopoulos announced earlier this week that he would be dropping his $10 million lawsuit against Simon & Schuster.

He filed papers in the New York Supreme Court on Tuesday February 20 asking for the case to be “dropped without costs or fees to either party”.

was attempting to sue the publishers for breach of contract after they decided to drop the deal on his book in light of the leaked tapes.

His decision to drop the lawsuit comes just weeks after Yiannopoulos fired his attorneys and decided to represent himself.

He made the decision to act as his own counsel as his attorney cited that there were “irreconcilable differences” between himself and his client.

The relationship between Yiannopoulos and his former lawyer reportedly became “untenable” after the pair had a “fundamental disagreement”.

A statement read that Yiannopoulos’ “lack of cooperation rendered his attorney’s representation “unreasonable difficult to carry out effectively”.

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