Kim Davis has written a book about ‘fist-pounding homosexuals’

Former Kentucky clerk Kim Davis has written a book about fist-pounding homosexuals.

Kim Davis made the news in 2015 after the US Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples had a constitutional right to marry.

The clerk for Rowan County, Kentucky, decided to ignore the ruling and subsequent demands from a string of state courts, in order to block the weddings of same-sex couples in the county, claiming she was acting in accordance with her religious beliefs.

Davis – who has since become a cause célèbre among the anti-LGBT movement – is currently running for re-election, facing a challenge from a gay man.

Ahead of the local election, Davis has released a memoir alongside Mat Staver and John Aman of the anti-LGBT Liberty Counsel.

The Liberty Counsel says that in the book, Davis recounts coming up against “fist pounding” gay men.

It says: “For the first time, Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis goes public with the inside story behind her courageous stand for marriage and religious freedom—and her six days in jail.

“Kim takes you behind-the-scenes of the unlikely saga that took America by storm in 2015. She tells how God transformed her life in 2011, why she almost retired in 2014, and how she knew—six months before the U.S. Supreme Court’s disastrous 2015 same-sex ‘marriage’ opinion—she was headed for jail.

“Kim chronicles her dramatic encounters with furious, fist-pounding, homosexual men and the hate mail that flooded her office.

“She walks you inside the courtroom of U.S. District Court Judge David L. Bunning for the high-stakes legal drama that ended when three federal marshals escorted her to jail.

“Discover what God did when one woman refused to compromise her faith and what He will do when you are called to do the same!”

The Liberty Counsel is the anti-LGBT evangelical law firm that provided Davis with free legal representation across various lawsuits.

Davis, a thrice-divorced evangelical Christian, insists that issuing licenses to same-sex couples goes against her beliefs.

Her legal troubles only ended when the Republican Governor of Kentucky Matt Bevin agreed to change state law to accommodate her – circumventing the need for clerks to issue marriage licenses.

Given issuing marriage licenses is one of the primary duties of a clerk, the decision was contentious – and many suggested that Davis should just have resigned her role if she was unable to perform the duty.

Davis hasn’t just contained her homophobic vitriol to the confides of her constituency since the marriage license controversy.

She recently headed to Romania to support proposals for an anti-gay marriage law.

Staver, who has also lobbied for anti-LGBT laws across the world, said: “She loves her job and she loves the people.

“I’m sure [the election] will probably have more attention because of who she is, but you know she doesn’t have any major concerns about it.”

The election, set to take place this year, will be the first time voters have a say in making Davis accountable for her actions in 2015.

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