Saudi Arabian teenager takes his own life after coming out as gay

A Saudi Arabian teenager has reportedly taken his own life after coming out as gay.

In a string of posts shared online, 15-year-old Roshan, who lived in Riyadh, was threatened with death by his father after family found out his sexuality.

Saudi Arabia is one of the most brutally anti-LGBT places in the world, with gay people publicly flogged by the state.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (Photo FAYEZ NURELDINE/AFP/Getty Images)

Roshan posted about his plight on Reddit in January, according to GSN.

The teen reportedly wrote: “I honestly don’t know why I even told my parents I’m gay even though I live in one of the most homophobic countries in the world,’ he said.

“I was literally kicked out the house and my family threatened to kill me if I ever go back home.

“Now I’m at a friend’s place. I told him and his family that my parents are on vacation and I’d have to crash at their place for a few days.

“I can’t stay at my friends place forever. And I honestly don’t know what to do. I fucking wanna kill myself.

“My country has no resources for LGBTQ+ folks. I am still in high school (underage to work) so I am not allowed to work anywhere.

“I honestly have no clue what to do. No friends I can to talk to about this.

“I can’t go to my relatives either cause my parents must have told them about me being gay.

“I can’t believe one mistake has caused this – I am so done.”

An American who had worked in Saudi Arabia responded to the thread to offer help.

Reaching out to the struggling teen he wrote: “I know you’re hurt and upset and in shock – you have been betrayed by the people who should love and accept you,’ he said.

“I know you feel suicidal– those feelings are natural. But they’re not permanent (I’ve also survived a suicide attempt, and much betrayal at the hands of my family).

“Please don’t give up!! Go to school with your friend, try to carry on as much as you can your normal life– and help your friend’s family with chores and be useful. Show them your gratitude.

“If you decide you are ready to leave KSA, I would gladly sponsor you and you may live with me here in the US.

“I’d expect you to finish your schooling, and I would be happy to mentor you for college or whatever you want to do as a career. Feel free to PM me.

“You have options. There are many here will support you with a few dollars, friendship, and good counsel. Hang in there!!”

Eight days later the teen was said to be en route to Dubai.

However the pursuit of freedom is said to have ended in tragedy, with Roshan’s uncle updating the Reddit thread two weeks later.

“It is with a heavy heard I must inform you that Roshan decided to take his own life,” he said.

“His father (my sister’s husband) threatened to kill him if he ever was found at home.

“Sadly we couldn’t get him out of Riyadh in time and he was found lifeless in his friend’s house.

“I managed to get into Roshan’s email account via his phone and found this email conversation and thought it is important you know.

“I’d like to thank you for your support and care. You were the only person who Roshan opened up to and spoke freely. Inshallah he too is looking down on you and thanking you.”

Saudi Arabia is one of the most barbaric regimes in the world when it comes to LGBT rights.

Homosexuality is illegal, and gay people can face public flogging, torture and even execution. Vigilante attacks are also common, while authorities are known to ‘hunt’ for gay people.

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