UK’s most popular naked festival to close unless organisers find a new location for 250 totally naked men

Fancy hanging out naked in a field with 250 other men? Then you’d best get your creative juices flowing, as the annual Naked Fest is desperately in need of a new home.

*Update: We are pleased to hear that Naked Fest has just secured a new home for 2018. The festival will take place after all from July 13th – 15th in Buckinghamshire, with exact details to be confirmed.* Original article continues below.

Naked Fest is run by the group Naked Mates, who run house parties, events and holidays for men who like to get naked.

The group proudly boast a “no clothes, no attitude” policy at the parties, which aren’t specifically queer and also welcome straight-identifying men.

The exclusive events are designed for men who shed their clothes – and the opposite sex – for a whole variety of reasons, and the group is “not defined by sexual orientation.”

On the website for Naked Fest 2018, the festival say: “After five glorious years at the sadly closed Abbotts Farm in Norfolk, Naked Fest is now looking for a new venue for our July 2018 annual weekend naturist camping festival, now in its sixth year.”

“We are looking for a secure and secluded rural location, suitable for camping (and possibly caravans), that can accomodate about 250 guests, within reasonable distance of London and the Home counties, ideally with water and electricity and of approximately 7-9 acres.”

“If you’re a landowner or know of any locations that might be interested in providing us with a home for 2018 (and maybe beyond!) please contact: [email protected].”

Naked Mates do more than festivals

Related: Hundreds traded clothes for rainbows at the Naked Bike Ride this weekend

Naked Fest began in 2013 as an extension of the Naked Mates troupe, who say they are “Europe’s biggest social network for men getting into being naked with other men.”

The group also organise country walks, camping trips, swims and parties where men get their kit off together.

If you don’t have access to a farm to help keep Naked Fest up and running, don’t worry there are other ways you can let it all hang out.

Naked Mates run monthly outdoor events between May and September, and indoor events every six weeks throughout the colder months.

Right now, it’ll benefit you if you’re based down south as the majority of the meets are based in the capital or the home counties, however the group insist they are always growing and looking to spread into other territories.

Related: Should you sleep naked? The health benefits of sleeping in the buff

How to get involved 

Naked Mates is totally free to join, you just have to sign up for a membership on the website’s Sign Up page.

Then you’ll receive an automatic email whenever a new official organised event is taking place.

However, there are ways to pimp out your profile in order to gain attention.

For instance, members are far more likely to invite newbies to their own events if they have photos attached to their profile.

Then members can directly message other members to invite them to private events.

You can upload naked images to the website, and then view other people’s profiles just like you would on any other social media platform.

Although the site isn’t defined by sexual preferences, you will be asked for your sexual orientation when you sign up for an account.

You’re then asked to tick which of a list of benefits from the site you’re interested in, which are: Mates, dates, relationships, casual connections, networking and “whatever comes along!”.

And there’s an option to include the type of fun you’re after (oral only, active, passive, versatile etc) and your dick size.

Related: Warwick Rowers strip naked for 2018 calendar and it looks amazing

The dos and don’ts 

We’re glad to see Naked Mates enforcing some strict rules for everyone’s safety and safe play.

Number one is that everyone must get naked, or the event won’t start – that means you’ll be removed if you refuse to get naked at the required time!

Men are also required to practise safe sex, and safe sex only. And while members who attend ‘social and sexual’ meet ups are encouraged to participate, if a member says ‘no’ then other members must obviously respect that.

Any members who don’t show respect to other members will be immediately asked to leave the event.

Finally, guests clearly under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted entry to any event, at any cost.

There are currently 158 events lined up over the coming months, so whatever happens with the festival there’ll be safe fun to be having with naked men in a field near you.

Find out more by visiting Naked Mates

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