Trump inauguration pastor says LGBT-inclusive sex ed is like ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’

Franklin Graham

Donald Trump’s inauguration pastor Franklin Graham is calling on politicians to ban a university’s LGBT-inclusive sex education week.

Evangelical pastor Franklin Graham, who was personally invited by Trump to preach to millions at his inauguration, is an extreme opponent of LGBT rights.

This week he hit out at a ‘Sex Week’ event at that University of Tennessee, Knoxville, over a roster of events that includes sessions on Queer History and Queer Theory, Transgender issues, and a Drag Show.

Graham called for the university to censor the event, branding it like “Sodom and Gomorrah”.

He said: “I’m saddened, disappointed – and yes, shocked – to see that University of Tennessee, Knoxville is promoting a Sex Week for its students. This Fox News story refers to it as Sodom & Gomorrah.

“It’s even worse than the name sounds when you read the events and classes.

“They’re actually pushing this filthy trash on young people whose parents are paying good money to send them there for a quality education. What could Chancellor Beverly Davenport be thinking?

“There’s nothing healthy or educational about all of this. It’s just simply promoting sin. I think parents should take steps to see this stopped—or pull their students out.

“Alumni and the residents of Tennessee who fund the university should make it clear that this does not have any place at their state university.

“I think pastors across this great state should speak out against it, and I hope Governor Bill Haslam will step in and make sure the group responsible is no longer allowed to do their damage at UT.”

He encouraged fans to “email your concerns to the university chancellor’s office” in order to cancel the event.

Organisers of Sex Week explain: “Sex Week is a whole week of student activities that our student organization called SEAT puts on during the spring semester.

“Sex Week 2017 will be April 3-7. Our goal is to create a safe space where students can openly engage in comprehensive and academically informed discussion about all things related to sex, sexuality, relationships, and gender. Basically, we want to educate, because this stuff is important.

“Sex Week is all about creating a safe space for everyone, regardless of personal beliefs, values, or sexual orientation. Issues surrounding sex, relationships, and gender are relevant to everyone, whether you’re having sex now, later, or not at all.

“We have specific events that cover topics like abstinence and virginity, religion and sexuality, and asexuality. Our goal is to have something for everyone!”

They added: “We firmly believe that sex education is not comprehensive without including conversations about pleasure and empowerment.

“Learning about consent, how to communicate your needs with partners, and how to find pleasure and fulfillment in yourself is really critical to building a healthy and safe campus. Not convinced? Sexual pleasure is included in the World Health Organization‘s definition of sexual health.”

Franklin Graham previously claimed there had been a “moral 9/11” in America due to “gays and lesbians”.

Graham Jr had claimed: “The country is imploding. We are seeing a moral implosion. Just like we saw the World Trade Center on 9/11 when the planes hit the tower, they imploded, they fell from within, and this is what’s happening to our country, we’re falling within.

“So many school districts now are controlled by wicked, evil people, and the gays and lesbians… I keep bringing their name up, but they are at the forefront of this attack against Christianity in America.”

In a 2015 interview with a Russian newspaper, Franklin Graham praised Vladimir Putin’s support for anti-gay laws – and claimed that homosexuals “take people’s children”.

Parroting disturbing rhetoric often used by anti-LGBT vigilantes in Russia, the late preacher’s son said: “Homosexuality and same-sex marriage — those are sins against God, and the president [Barack Obama] is promoting them.

“Homosexuals cannot have children, they can take other people’s children.”

Franklin Graham helps his father Billy to the podium before preaching during the Celebration of Hope on March 12, 2006 at the New Orleans Arena in New Orleans, Louisiana (Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images)

He added: “I very much appreciate that President Putin is protecting Russian young people against homosexual propaganda. If only to give them the opportunity to grow up and make a decision for themselves.”

Franklin Graham recently declared gay people are ‘the enemy’, attacking churches that have become LGBT-inclusive. And he accused LGBT activists of “trying to cram down America’s throat the lie that homosexuality is okay”, alleging that anti-discrimination laws will mean that “your children, and your grandchildren will be at risk to sexual predators and perverts”.

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