Two Scottish men found guilty of gay date rape

Two men in Scotland have been convicted of raping two men they met through dating app Grindr.

Mohammed Khan and a 17-year-old, who cannot be named due to legal reasons, have been charged with raping and attacking two men they found on the dating app.

The men, who described themselves as ‘discreet’ on the dating app, raped two men in two separate incidents, reported The BBC.

After Khan performed a consensual sex act on one man, the teenager then pulled the man’s trousers down and raped him.

In another event, a 20-year-old university student was threatened with force if he did not perform a sex act on Khan.

“This is not a case that anyone would have volunteered to be involved in because of the sordid and distasteful evidence which we all had to listen to,” said Lord Uist in Livingston High Court, reported The Scottish Sun.

“You have been convicted by the jury of serious offences. You may take it that those convictions will result in significant custodial sentences.”

Khan and the 17-year-old, who cannot be named due to the fact he is not a legal adult, will be added to the sex offenders’ register.

Another two men were also tried in the court for robbing and attacking men alongside Khan and the teenager in a separate incident.

The four of them were charged for previously attacking and robbing a man after luring him to an industrial estate.

“They were trying to get me down, fighting and battering me. I was kind of in a dead end and the three of them were coming and just whacking us with poles and traffic cones,” said the victim of the crime.

“They were just bouncing off my back and head and I was trying to avoid them and dodging about. The young Slovakian boy had a big 2×2 piece of wood with a few nails on it.

“He hit me on my arm and smashed my elbow. I had to have an operation and get a steel plate put in it.”

The two men have been reprimanded in custody and will be sentenced at Edinburgh High Court on 17 May.

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