This gay dad’s adopted son got the most heartwarming tattoo

A gay parent was shocked to learn that his son had bought a tattoo – until he saw what it was.

Richard adopted his son Jonathan after his fifth birthday, back in 2005.

Richard told Gays with Kids that when recently Jonathan told him he planned to get a tattoo of his own, Richard’s response was typical of many parents — he disapproved hard.

“Don’t you dare,” he told his son, who now serves in the US Navy.

(Photo: @meaws_com / Twitter)

“When it’s your own child, and they are permanently going to alter the look of their body, all sorts of thoughts start going through your head,” Richard explained.

However, the appointment had already been set and Jonathan was determined to get the tattoo.

Related: Same-sex adoption is now legal everywhere in Australia

Two weeks later, Jonathan had visited the tattoo artist with some of his fellow sailors and eagerly sent a photo to his dad.

(Photo: Facebook)

Having kept the plan for his tattoo a secret, Jonathan revealed to his dad that he had been inked with a series of Roman numerals on his side.

Those roman numerals translated to the date that Richard had adopted him 13 years ago.

“I was so taken aback,” Richard said.

“My fear that he was going to get something ridiculous, something he would regret, shifted and I could not be more proud of him.

“What an amazing tattoo!”

Many people were moved by the adorable story, sharing it far and wide on social media.

(Photo: Queerty/Twitter)

When Jonathan was a child, the pair had celebrated the anniversary of his adoption each year. However, as Jonathan grew older, the tradition faded.

“I even wondered if he remembered the date of his adoption. Well, he remembered,” said Richard.

“It was a reminder to me, as to what an amazing son I have.”

(Photo: Facebook)

Jonathan shared the photo with friends, saying that the day would always be a special one.

“So I got my first tattoo!! This date is the day that my life changed,” Jonathan wrote.

“This is the day my dads adopted me. The greatest day in my life knowing that for the rest of my life I would finally have a loving family that loved me for me!”

A 2016 Supreme court ruling meant that gay couples could adopt in all 50 states, including Richard and Jonathan’s home state of New Jersey.

However, LGBT families still face significant amounts of discrimination, making wholesome stories about gay parents even more important.

A happy family with same-sex parents

(Photo:Creative Commons)

In March, it was discovered that two adoption agencies in Philadelphia, US have been found to turn away LGBTQ couples from their services.

A lesbian couple has spoken out about how they were turned away from Bethany Christian Services and Catholic Social Services – two separate agencies which are listed with the Department of Human Services.

The department has issued an urgent call for more foster parents.

Despite this, the agencies have turned away potential parents over their sexuality – in turn, violating a contract which forbids discrimination.

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