Gay porn used as Citymapper’s icon for Hampstead Heath

An image of a gay orgy has been used by popular app CityMapper to represent Hampstead Heath.

The picture, which featured a collection of naked men engaging in sexual acts including rimming, appeared next to the London park when a user called limitedmitch searched for the Heath on April 8.

Speaking to PinkNews, limitedmitch – who wanted to go by his username – said that he was on his way to east London to enjoy the sunshine when he saw what had happened.

(Ashley Coates/Flickr)

“I saw a lot of my friends there on Instagram stories having a generally lovely time, and I was going to meet a friend in Hackney Wick,” he said. “I was just checking the distance and noticed a different thumbnail.

“On closer inspection, I noticed what it was, and obviously given the area’s significance, I found the whole thing pretty hilarious.”

Hampstead Heath has been a gay cruising spot for many years.


But limitedmitch said he regretted his decision to go public with the app’s mishap, in a post which has since attracted more than 3,000 retweets and likes.

“I kind of wish I hadn’t put it on Twitter now as I’d have liked to have seen how long it was up there for, but it was taken down within an hour ,” he told PinkNews.

“I thought the whole thing was quite funny in all honesty, and in a short space of time had already made quite a few people laugh on Twitter at least!

“I thought it was hilarious – I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t have,” he added.

Citymapper responded quickly to him, writing: “Uhoh, we’re in touch with our partner @Yelp @yelpsupport to get this corrected, meanwhile FYI it’s just an innocent park.”


Many – including limitedmitch – saw this tweet as casting a suggstive wink in the direction of those in the know.

He said: “I really enjoyed it – super tongue in cheek obviously.

“I think everyone’s aware of the area’s significance, so it was a great way of looking professional but still maintaining a lighthearted view on it.”

Not long after, Yelp clarified on Twitter that gay porn was no longer representing the Heath.


“Thanks everyone for bringing this photo to our attention!” the company tweeted.

“The image has since been removed from Hampstead Heath’s Yelp page for violating our Content Guidelines. Thanks again!”

When limitedmitch was asked what he thought of those who might have been offended by the connection being made between the Heath and gay sex, he said: “I think it’s fair, you can’t expect everyone to be happy with a sexual image being on a public app, but it’s not the end of the world!”

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