Tinder users are not having a lot of sex, says study

We might have come full circle when it comes to internet dating.

Since the apps entered our lives, asking people for a date irl is all of a sudden a daunting and alien concept.

But it appears that those singletons who veer away from the apps are getting just as much sex as Tinder users, say the experts.

People are getting as frisky as you’d think (Pexels)

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Tinder users are not having half as much sex as we think, a new study has revealed.

Fresh research has suggested that non-swiping singletons are getting as much sex as those who use dating apps.

In a survey of 641 19-29 year olds, researchers at the Norwegian University of Technology asked students to complete a questionnaire about their sex lives and app usage during their lecture breaks, reported Metro.co.uk.

Women use the app to feel good about themselves (Pexels)


According to the data, “Dating app users don’t have more casual sexual partners than others with the same short-term preference,” says Mons Bendixen, an associate professor at NTNU’s Department of Psychology, reported Joe.co.uk.


The boffins found out some pretty interesting research about how different genders use the picture-based mobile dating apps, or PBMDAs for short.

Women are said to spend more time on the apps, with researchers believing this is down to them making a considered effort with their matches.

Meanwhile, men opt for quantity not quality when trying to find someone on Tinder and the like, citing short-term hook-ups as their main reasons for swiping.

We all use the apps out of boredom (Pexels)

And while men tend to use the apps for more fling-based experiences and short-term relationships, women use the app to feel good about themselves, says the research.

However, we all have one thing in common: we all use the apps out of boredom, say the experts.

May the swipe forever be in your favour, plucky daters.

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