Harvey Weinstein ‘stole’ credit for Carol, confirms film’s producer

The producer of celebrated lesbian film Carol has confirmed that Harvey Weinstein had no creative input to the film, and instead “stole” a production credit.

Producer Elizabeth Karlsen has claimed that now-disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein did not creatively contribute to Carol, confirming previous statements made by Cate Blanchett.

The celebrated lesbian film, which picked up a string of awards in 2015, starred Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara as two women in love in the 1950s.

Weinstein was listed as an executive producer on the film, but in an interview with Variety, Blanchett – who has spoken in solidarity with women who have accused Weinstein of sexual harassment – insisted he had little involvement.

In the interview before the Cannes Film Festival, Blanchett said: “He was brought on as the producer on many films that I had absolutely no say on. I didn’t have a creative or functional relationship with him.”

In a series of comments on the Variety article, Karlsen echoed this, stating that Weinstein had no creative input and instead stole the credit and financial gain he received from the film.

Elizabeth Karlsen (Joe Maher/Getty Images for Nespresso)

She wrote: “This is a frequent and frustrating misrepresentation of Harvey Weinstein and his role — he was a distributor who stole the producing credit (as well as the financial rewards) from the actual producers who sourced, developed, filmed and fully created the work as we did with Carol.”

Related: Kristen Stewart ‘gayzed’ at Cate Blanchett and the internet exploded

Karlsen added: “[Weinstein] was not a producer on the film. Neither he nor TWC [The Weinstein Company] were involved in the development of the film nor had any script, editorial, casting, or other type of creative involvement in the film whatsoever.

“They [The Weinstein Company] acted solely as distributors.

“Had we had an offer equal to or greater than the TWC offer for U.S. distribution rights we would have taken it, but we didn’t.”

(John Phillips/Getty Images for BFI)

The producer told The Advocate at Cannes that it is “frustrating when he’s referred to as a producer,” stating that she and screenwriter Phyllis Nagy had nurtured the film project for many years.

Several Weinstein accusers have opened up about his approach to queer women and LGBT films.

Salma Hayek, who was nominated for an Oscar for her iconic portrayal of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo on 2002 film Frida, spoke about her shocking experiences of working with Weinstein on the film.

Salma Hayek (Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images)

The actress and filmmaker alleged that she fended off a number of sexual advances from Weinstein, who attempted to get her to take a shower with him, perform oral sex, and get naked with another woman.

After her relationship with Weinstein turned sour, the actress alleges that he shut down production on her film – and forced her to agree to add an explicit lesbian sex scene.

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