This transgender guy’s friends threw him an incredible viral gender reveal party

Gender reveal parties are ridiculous.

The cakes and their binary, iced-on questions – ruffles or rifles? Tractors or tiaras? Moustache or bows? – have become extremely, inexplicably popular over the past couple of years, despite being inherently outdated and damaging.

After all, gender isn’t binary and children don’t need to segregated into one gender stereotype or the other – especially since children will often reveal their gender early on in their lives, with a study in February showing that the way a kid as young as five speaks can indicate where they are on the gender spectrum.

Gender reveal cake 'ruffles or rifles?'


However, it turns out that there is one wonderful exception to this rule.

That’s right – transgender gender reveal parties.

Corey Walker from Florida went viral after sharing his friends’ ingenious celebration with the world.


He wrote on Twitter: “My friends threw me an ‘it’s a boy’ party to celebrate me starting testosterone.

“I’m blessed af to have so much support!!!”


He’s not wrong.

And commenters seemed to agree, as the photos of his friends’ heartwarming actions attracted more than 69,000 retweets and likes.

The idea was brought into life with the help of “It’s a boy!” signs and cups, as well as syringes filled with blue liquid to represent his testosterone injections.


Corey, 27, told the Press Association that the concept was, in fact, his creation.

“I actually came up with the idea a few years ago when my partner at the time came out as trans,” he said.

“I thought it would be a cute surprise for him to come home to after he went to the doctor to get his first shot of testosterone.


“My friends thought I deserved the same for me and they went all out! We even had syringes filled with Jell-O shots!”

And he raised the prospect of the party starting a new, positive trend.

“I hope others see this idea and use it for their trans friends,” Corey said.


“It makes everything so much easier and better when you have support!”

Earlier this month, a new study showed that a brain scan can reveal someone’s true gender.

Both the physical content and actions of a subject’s brain can show that they are transgender, even before they’ve started puberty, the study indicated.

Conducted by Dr Julie Bakker at the University of Liège’s Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, the study backed up research from March which showed that trans people are born that way.

Pakistani transgender activists carry placards through Karachi (ASIF HASSAN/AFP/Getty Images)


Bakker explained in her study, titled Brain structure and function in gender dysphoria, that the scans’ results corroborated subjects who reported having gender dysphoria.

“We found that hypothalamic responses of both adolescent girls and boys diagnosed with gender dysphoria were more similar to their experienced gender than their birth sex,” she wrote.

The professor said that this “supports the hypothesis of a sex-atypical brain differentiation in these individuals.”

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