Christian college boss apologises for ‘equating’ sexual assault with gay sex

A Christian college head has apologised for “equating” sexual assault with same-sex relationships.

Greg Christy, who heads private Christian institution Northwestern College in Iowa, had come under fire from students over a post lamenting “sexual brokenness”.

In a blog published on the college website, Christy had written: “While there are many cultural issues that threaten to distort God’s vision for human flourishing, issues related to human sexuality are at the forefront.

“Pornography, premarital sex, adultery, sexual assault, the objectification of women, and same-sex activity all exemplify the brokenness of sexual desire and expression.”

He had also stated: “The college lifts up the Christian ideal of marriage between a man and a woman and contends that all sexual intimacy shall be within the bounds of such marriage.”

(Photo: Northwestern College)

The apparent attempt to draw an equivalence between sexual assault and the other activities in the list incensed students and alumni, who accused the college President of stirring up homophobic sentiment.

One alumni said: “I am very disappointed Pres. Christy would go out of his way to speak against marriage equality and same-sex relationships in this reflection. NW, the RCA [Reformed Church in America], and the church as a whole can and must do better.”

Another added: “By listing these together, you equated them to one another and ‘sexual desire and expression’.

“Sexual assault and the objectification of women have nothing to do with sexual desire or expression – they are about exerting power and control.

“As Northwestern’s president and an advocate for students, this shows a lack of understanding for, as you put it, ‘human sexuality.’ Your students and faith community deserve better.”

(Photo: Northwestern College)

In the face of widespread anger, Christy opted to apologise.

In an interview with the Des Moines Register he said: “In no way was I intending whatsoever to equate that sexual assault was in any way, shape or form equal to or the same as any of the other items that were listed.

“I was just [trying] to say that just like same-sex activity is inappropriate, so is premarital sex, according to scripture.

“I’m sorry and regretful that those words have caused hurt to people.”

(Photo: Northwestern College)

However, he insisted he would stick by his beliefs on same-sex marriage.

Several reviews on the school’s Facebook listing make allegations of anti-LGBT treatment.

One states: “Northwestern is not a good choice if you are gay. It is safe, people are kind, but if you are an openly gay person the institute of NWC will disown you.

“As a graduate of NWC I’m ashamed to see the way it has treated students that have attended in the past. (Expulsion, loss of scholarship.) and its treatment of students in the present is no better.”

Another added: “This school maintains archaic attitudes towards God’s gay, lesbian, bi and transgendered children.

“They maintain a spirit of oppression, silencing people and discrimination. I thought that since I graduated in ’94 NWC and the RCA might have evolved at least by a couple years, but there’s no such luck.”

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