Former E! News presenter reveals he is HIV-positive as he shares inspirational message

Former E! News presenter Marc Malkin has revealed that he is HIV-positive.

The entertainment reporter completed his first AIDS/LifeCycle bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles last week, and used the achievement to share with his Instagram followers that he was diagnosed with HIV nine years ago.

E! News presenter Marc Malkin has revealed he is HIV-positive (Neilson Barnard/Getty)

In a painfully honest and inspirational post, Malkin revealed that he “struggled with crystal meth” during his thirties, and is now sober and living with HIV.

Malkin explained that he was moved to come out about his status with the help of his husband of four years, Fabian Quezada-Malkin, who revealed his own diagnosis on Facebook recently, and close friend Karl Schmid, who revealed he was HIV-positive on Instagram.

Alongside a picture of him cycling, Malkin wrote: “I am back home. Back home after riding my first @aidslifecycle.

“The ride has left me with many things, but probably the biggest gift I have received is the inspiration to live my truth.

“On this beautiful day of LGBTQ pride, I have something to say for the first time in such a public forum. I am HIV-positive.

“In short, I lived much of my thirties in confusion, depression and a search to find myself. I partied too much. I struggled with crystal meth. I was diagnosed with HIV about nine years ago.”

Malkin shared his status after completing his first AIDS/LifeCycle and told followers he ‘struggled’ with crystal meth during his thirties (Instagram)

He continued: “Today, I am sober and living with HIV. @haircoloristfabian came out as HIV-positive recently on Facebook. My dear friend @karljschmid did the same on Instagram. These two amazing men sparked the inspiration to come out about my status. AIDS/LifeCycle convinced me it was time.

“Visibility matters. Just ask the men on the ride who told Fabian that his story inspired them to ride. So, here I am celebrating LGBTQ pride and honoring my Uncle David and my Uncle Arthur by standing up and saying, ‘I am HIV-positive.’”

Malin’s husband (left) recently revealed he was living with HIV

The post immediately received an outpouring of support.

One follower wrote: “thank you for this @marcmalkin – our community needs people like us sharing our truth. love you xoxo”

Another posted: “Thank you for your openness and honesty! It helps save lives!“

And a third said: “Love watching you on @enewsfor many years all the best and I’m glad you finally have the courage and strength to stand proud in your truth regarding your status!!”

His friend Karl Schmid (right) was one of the men who helped Malkin to come out about his status (Instagram)

Over on his Instagram page, producer Schmid paid tribute to his friend, and called for the “dangerous and ridiculous stigma” surrounding HIV to stop.

He wrote: “Very proud to call this man @marcmalkin a friend and someone to whom I look up to and admire greatly within the ‘business’. Not only a great friend and colleague but now also an ‘out n proud’ HIV+ positive man helping show the world that this is what living with HIV really looks like!

“It’s time to stop this dangerous and ridiculous stigma that keeps so many in the shadows feeling afraid and alone. You are NOT alone, you are NOT less than and hopefully one day you too will be able to step out and not feel ashamed or afraid because of the stigma that surrounds HIV.

“Congratulations Marc and THANK YOU again! Let’s #stophivstigma together. #visibilitymatters #uequalsu #livingpositive”

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