Mike Pence to be welcomed with huge LGBTQ dance party when he arrives in Columbus

Vice President Mike Pence may support hugely anti-LGBTQ policies, but that won’t stop the community in Columbus welcoming him with a huge party when he arrives on Friday.

Trump’s right hand man will be joining America First Policies for an event in the US city on a day which happens to coincide with the start of Columbus Pride.

Mike Pence will be welcomed to Columbus on Friday with a big LGBTQ dance party (Sara D. Davis/Getty)

And despite Pence never positioning himself as an ally, locals are keen to welcome him anyway and show Columbus positively, with more than 340 people already RSVPing to the Facebook invite for the Big LGBTQ Dance Party.

Event organiser Jay Smith told NBC4i: “I want this entire street over here filled with rainbow and dancing. That is what I’m hoping to see.”

The party-goers plan to welcome Pence outside the hotel he is due to speak at.

“We also kind of want to counter that anti-LGBT attitude that they have with a big, positive, loving dance party,” added Smith.

A DJ has been booked as have several drag acts including Kelly Coate.

Revellers want to show Pence how welcoming the community is (MIGUEL SCHINCARIOL/AFP/Getty)

The performer said: “He’s not coming to us, so we need to come to him…showing we’re Americans just like everyone else and we want equal, fair treatment.

“I like to bring some glamour, but mostly comedy with a message. It’s a positive, calm approach to make our presence.”

Meanwhile, Smith says he wants people to be aware of the VP’s terrible record regarding LGBTQ issues.

“He wanted to ban same-sex marriage,” he said. “He wanted to not just maintain the don’t ask don’t tell policy he wanted to repeal that and not allow any gay, lesbian or transgender service members.”

Organiser Jay Smith also wants to heighten awareness around how anti-LGBTQ Tump’s VP is (Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty)

However, Smith also wants to promote how supportive the community in Columbus is.

He explained: “We want to show that the administration might not have your back, but we do and we are fighting for you every day and we love you and we support you.”

The dance party will take place between 2-5pm on Friday.

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