14 percent of Americans have had sex at work

An astonishing number of Americans have admitted to having sex in the workplace.

In a poll of 2,000 people 14 percent confessed to doing the deed in the office, one in five of those revealing that they had been caught quite literally with their trousers down after someone walked in on them.

14 percent of Americans have admitted to having sex in the office (pexels)

Sex toy store EdenFantasys conducted a survey to explore what happens when work and romance collide, and found that nearly half of Americans (44 percent) have had full blown office romances.

While a work relationship may raise a few eyebrows, it will have many benefits for the company, with 92 percent of those involved in them revealing it made them happier and more productive at work.

However, many will be keeping the reason for their newfound passion for daily tasks on the down-low, with 70 percent stating their personal business was best kept a secret.

34 percent of those who had sex with their boss said they did it to progress their career

And if having sex with your colleagues wasn’t enough of a taboo, one in in 10 of those polled revealed doing it with their boss, and 34 percent of them confessing it was to further their careers.

There’s a darker side to work romances, though, as 17 percent of Americans said that an office fling had cost them their job, and 34 percent of them involve someone who is already engaged or married.

Away from job loss and deception, there is a happy ending for some, with a quarter of workplace romances ending in marriage.

Fred Petrenko of EdenFantasys told The New York Post that a decent sex toy is better than than the fitty in the office.

Over a third of office romances involve someone who is already engaged or married

He said: “Love, sex, relationships — they transcend the boundaries and norms, creating complexities of the social fabric.

“Don’t put yourself and your partner at risk by getting frisky at work. After all, nothing beats a comfortable bed and a good sex toy.”

“For many, work is a very stressful environment and sex can be a great stress relief.

He added: “While the idea of having sex at work is an enticing one, we at EdenFantasys recommend spicing things up with a good sex toy instead. There are many varieties of small and discreet products for such purposes. Don’t complicate your workplace — keep it safe for your professional growth.”

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