Internet pastor says pro-LGBT liberals are the devil and murder babies

A pro-Trump pastor has said that pro-LGBT activists who want to reunite the thousands of children and parents separated from each other at the US border “murder babies” and represent “the devil.”

The high school football coach and internet proselytiser Dave Daubenmire, who has a surreal online following and a history of anti-gay comments, made the remarks on his Pass the Salt livestream.

In April, he said men shouldn’t masturbate because it’s “sex with a man,” which he said was gay.

He has a history of making anti-gay comments (RWW Blog/youtube)

And he followed that up this week with a tirade about people criticising the Trump administration’s policy of taking children away from their parents after they cross the US border illegally.

The order, which has resulted in more than 2,000 children being held in so-called ‘tender age shelters,’ was condemned by George Takei as being worse than the Japanese-American internment camps used during WWII.

And MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow broke down in tears during a live TV segment on Tuesday about detention facilities for babies and children under the age of three.

Rachel Maddow (MSNBC)

Consistently yelling at his audience, Daubenmire tells them: “If you really want to help the people on the border, go get them and bring them into your house,” as reported by Right Wing Watch.

“But don’t make me do it!” he adds. “That’s between me and the Lord… but I’m sure as H-E-L-L not going to demand the Government takes care of them.

“I thought there was a separation between the church and the state? I thought morality was personal? Yet the Government is telling the Church how the Church should behave! Can’t you see it?” he asks.

“They murder babies, the light up the White House with rainbow colours and then tell us how we’re supposed to treat children?” shouts Daubenmire.

Activists hug in front of the White House after the Supreme Court legalised same-sex marriage (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty)

“The devil! It’s the stinking devil! Deception!”

In March, Daubenmire compared gay sex to child murder.

In a typically frenzied tirade entitled The Destruction of Masculinity, he ranted about society destroying religion through homosexuality.

The internet pastor said: “You can be a man and sleep with another man, you can be a woman and sleep with another woman, you can be a man who kills your baby.

(RWW Blog/YouTube)

“You can be a man who impregnates a lady and lets her kill her baby, but you’re not allowed to have any opinion on it.

“You just have got to sit there in a corner, shut up, and let the women do whatever they want to do,” he added.

In the same episode, he ranted that young men were “being sissified in school, they’re being sissified in church.

“They’re being sissified on the job, they’re being sissified in the home.

“The daddies have become sissies, the daddies won’t speak back to their bossy wives because they want to get laid and so mum runs the house, mum runs everything.”

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