Milo Yiannopoulos: I hope journalists are murdered

Former alt-right icon Milo Yiannopoulos texted a newspaper saying that he hopes that “squads start gunning journalists down on sight.”

The threat, which was texted to the New York Observer, came after the publication asked him for a statement after his booking was refused at a restaurant after they discovered his identity.

“I can’t wait for the vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down on sight,” the far-right provocateur texted a reporter for the New York Observer from the publication, reported

(Photo by Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images)

The response from the ex Breitbart Tech editor has resulted in some university campuses questioning whether or not they should invite Yiannopoulos on campus for fear of inciting hatred, reported The Advocate.

Yionnopoulos fell from grace when he was accused of endorsing pederasty in a series of clips which emerged in 2017.

In one video reported by Uproxx, taken from an old livestream with the internet figure, Yiannopoulos attacks the age of consent as an “arbitrary one-size-fits-all policing of culture”.


Milo fell from grace in 2017 (Getty)

Milo fell from grace in 2017 (Getty)

“In the homosexual world, particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men — the sort of ‘coming of age’ relationship — those relationships in which those older men help those young boys discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable, sort of rock, where they can’t speak to their parents.”

Yiannopoulos himself is a former journalist.

In just 24 hours, the columnist was dropped from far-right news website Breitbart News, had his book deal axed by Simon & Schuster, and was removed from the line-up of the Republican CPAC conference.

Famous alt-right speaker Milo Yiannopoulos is one of the targets in Griffin's rant

His book ‘Dangerous’ had been set for release this year, but after the cancellation of the Simon & Schuster deal Yiannopoulos was apparently unable to find another mainstream publisher. He resorted to self-publishing.

The disgraced alt-right figure recently led an influx of controversial figures to join the UK Independence Party.

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