Woman brilliantly shuts down right-wing activist who asks if she is a ‘slut’

A woman eloquently and humorously shut down a right-wing activist who constantly asked her why she was a slut.

Jesse Lee Peterson, a religious, right-wing TV personality in America, who called Trump a “white saviour”, was interviewing women at Amber Rose’s SlutWalk for his show, Fallen State.

He apparently got more than he bargained for when he spoke to a woman called Samirah, and asked her if she was a slut.

A young woman perfectly shut down a right-wing TV star when he asked if she was a slut (Twitter)

“Yes we are all sluts,” she told him with zeal. “I’m a slut, you’re a slut, the cameraman behind you is a slut, your PA is a slut and your microphone is a slut.

“I own my body, my body is not a political playground, it’s not a place for legislation, it’s mine, and my future… ayyyy.”

When Peterson asked her age, she responded, “grown”, to which he replied with: “So you sleep around with a lot of men?”

“Actually I’m a virgin,” quipped Samirah.

“So you’re not a slut?” said Peterson who was growing confused.

She told him: “Yes, a slut is what you make it Jesse, being a boss, taking the mic, turning life around. It doesn’t matter what a woman’s sexual history is just a word… A slut is a word for anybody who is owning their sexuality, turning up and not letting Jesse twist their answers around.”

Not taking much of what she was saying on board, the conservative turned his attention to her attire – a sparking pink crop top and matching mini skirt.

“You look like a slut,” he sneered. “What made you dress like this?” To which Samirah asked him why he was wearing such an ugly shirt.

As the interview came to an end, Peterson asked if she believed in God, and how God would feel about her being a slut – and her response was golden.

Samirah told him: “God will want me to be whatever I want to be, because God believes in choice and you should know that Jesse which is why you can wear that lame-ass shirt.”

Despite Peterson asking personal questions, Samirah handed the interview like a pro (Twitter)

She makes a fine point.

Since 2011 thousands of women across the world have been taking part in SlutWalks, a movement which began when a policeman in Toronto warned students not to “dress like sluts” if they wanted to avoid being raped on campus.

Those taking part on the walks wear revealing clothes to show that a woman’s choice of clothes should never be blamed for rape.

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