Trans woman says she got supernatural powers after she transitioned

A transgender woman says she only fully developed her mediumship ability after she transitioned.

Becs Sawyer, who lives in Ilford, east London, said she had always wanted to talk to spirits, but didn’t develop the ability until after her gender transition.

“All I wanted to do when I was younger was talk to spirits – I saw people doing it on the TV but could never do it myself,” she told the Daily Star. 

“It wasn’t until I went through my physical and emotional transition that the spirit stuff started to wake up.

“Since I transitioned it has all come together and allowed spirits to become closer to me – being comfortable with myself has been like opening a door to their world.”

Sawyer, who used to be a bodybuilder, married her wife Nicky in 2007, and the pair have remained together throughout her transition.

The clairsentient also revealed that she sometimes encounters homophobic spirits in her work.

“I do meet some homophobic spirits who don’t agree with me but I don’t take it personally really,” she said.

“It’s about me expressing the person’s personality and character even if they don’t agree with me. “Spirits will tell me what they think of me so they can validate who they are.

“If a dad is homophobic he won’t lie about his homophobia otherwise his relatives won’t recognise him. I never want to change or filter what the spirits want to say.”

Becs Sawyer (left) and her wife Nicky. (My Genderation/YouTube)

In a video about her job and her transition, Sawyer explains: “I grew up – this is going to be so weird – wanting to talk to dead people.

“And it was until I started my transition, met Nicky, and from there I started kind of circles, and workshops, and courses. And now I just live for it. It’s what I do. It’s who I am.”

She added: “When we crossover, there isn’t a physical gender. I think by, being trans, it just gives you a unique empathic perspective. I think we see ourselves more as this energetic consciousness, as opposed to a physical being.”

Nicky also discussed her wife transitioning in the video, saying: “At the time I was kind of, I think the term was, bicurious. I was really open to a different perspective on my sexuality. Becs telling me that she was feeling that way really wasn’t a big deal.

“The more feminine she became, the more I fell in love with her.”

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