Anarchist sticks pink dildo on Jacob Rees-Mogg’s car and leaves condoms in his garden

Someone has left a hot pink dildo on Jacob Rees-Mogg’s wife’s Land Rover – and hung condoms on to a cross in the Conservative MP’s garden at his family home in Somerset.

The culprit also spray painted messages on Rees-Mogg’s patio window in West Harptree, including “posh scum” and “politics death,” alongside an anarchist symbol, reports The Sun.

Rees-Mogg is known for his controversial views, opposing equal marriage and abortion in any circumstances, including rape cases.

He also campaigned for Britain to leave the European Union.

The vandal, believed to be an anarchist, also graffitied the garage door with “shut up and die,” and wrote “t***t” on an umbrella stand.

The incident took place on Wednesday (August 1), when Rees-Mogg was on a family holiday in New York, USA.

A house maid reportedly discovered the dildo and graffiti on Thursday morning.

An Avon and Somerset Police spokesperson told PinkNews: “We’re investigating a report of criminal damage at a property in West Harptree.

“The incident happened sometime between 4pm on Wednesday, 1 August and 8am on Thursday 2 August.

“Graffiti was sprayed on a building and a car, while damage was also caused to the garden.

“House to house enquiries have been carried out while crime scene investigators have attended.

“Enquiries are ongoing.”

Rees-Mogg reportedly said that the mess had since been cleared up.

“It appears to be someone who can’t hold their drink — and probably not Catholic,” he told The Sun. 

In May, Rees-Mogg was quizzed on gay parenting in an interview with  Kay Burley of Sky News.

The former Eton school boy was asked about his views on Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson announcing that she is expecting a baby with wife-to-be Jen Wilson.

Asked if he had congratulated Davidson, Rees-Mogg said: “I meant to write to her, I haven’t yet done it. I think it’s wonderful news, absolutely joyous news.”

He added: “It’s wonderful, happy news, and a new life always is.”

Asked if that conflicts with his personal beliefs, he answered: “New life is always good news.”

Rees-Mogg is against same-sex marriage. (BBC)

Pressed again, Rees-Mogg responded: “It doesn’t. You’re confusing things. The Catholic Church is always in favour of new life.

“There’s a new baby, this is wonderful news, a new soul… it’s terrific, there is no problem with that. You’re going back to what happened to create that new life, but that doesn’t matter.

“There is new life and that is of overwhelming importance and matter of great joy.”

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