Pranksters turn giant Tour of Britain bike into penis

Jokers have changed an artwork of a huge bicycle in Devon—created to mark the Tour of Britain—into a gigantic penis.

Residents in Ilfracombe woke up on Tuesday morning to find the enormous phallus on the side of Capstone Hill.

The handle bars and frame of the bicycle art—made from reclaimed plastic and cardboard—were re-arranged to create the naughty shape.

However, the raunchy creation was reportedly changed into a smiley face later that morning.

The bike was installed to draw attention to the work of Plastic Free North Devon, a community group that is campaigning to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics in North Devon.

The Tour of Britain, which started on September 2, will conclude in central London on Sunday (September 9).

The penis prank coincided with the second stage of the race, running from Cranbrook to Barnstaple.

Plastic Free North Devon praised the pranksters for their work, using the incident to highlight that some research has linked plastic pollution with increasing infertility in men.

“‘PLASTIC FREE Phallus’ that is indeed what we are striving for!! Very impressive/hilarious creativity,” the group wrote on Facebook. “Massive THANKYOU [sic] for attracting some extra attention to the cause.”

Plastic Free North Devon praised the pranksters for raising the profile of the artwork. (Plastic Free North Devon/Facebook)

It added: “But on a serious note… plastic pollution is/has been linked to rising infertility in males.

“Micro plastics are entering our bodies via the food chain and studies about how it is affecting our human health is still in its infancy but the research so far is somewhat alarming!!”

Twitter users, too, have reacted with glee at the penis vandalism.

Social media users have praised the penis jokers. (caljstephenson/Twitter)

One user wrote: “Knighthoods for all involved,” with another person saying: “Ilfracombe doing us proud.”

One Twitter user said: “You have to hand it to the people of North Devon.”

And one person posted: “I’m so proud to be British.”

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