Doctors invent new tool to ‘lasso’ 23-inch dildo out of man’s rectum

Doctors in Italy were forced to make a lasso-like device to remove a 23-inch dildo lodged inside a man’s colon.

The 31-year old man checked into a hospital in Milan, saying that the 60cm sex toy had been stuck inside him for about 24 hours after he had inserted it into his rectum.

According to a report filed in the BMJ Case Reports, a team of medics led by Dr Lorenzo Dioscoridi at the ASST Great Metropolitan Hospital in Niguarda, Milan, first tried—unsuccessfully—to remove the dildo using “several standard attempts with different extraction devices.”

The 23-inch dildo was stuck firmly inside the man. (Wikimedia Commons)

The doctors reported that their attempts failed because of the “rigidity, the smoothness and the large size” of the sex toy.

The man reported that he was suffering from abdominal pain as a result of the sex toy being lodged inside him.

The medics then crafted a “home-made” device, which was used to lasso the dildo and pull it out of the man’s rectum.

“We finally succeeded in the endoscopic extraction of the device, catching the distal edge of the dildo with this guidewire lasso,” the article reads in the BMJ Case Reports.

“This device showed a technical advantage as compared with ordinary polypectomy snares, due to its much higher stiffness.”

The man was allowed home on same day as the removal procedure and made a full recovery.

It comes after a gay man from Chicago, Illinois, was recently called a “legend, a martyr, and an idol” after he posted on social media the story of how he ended up in hospital for three days after sucking “a hulk sized dick.”

Fredy Alanis posted a selfie on Twitter last week with the caption: “Excuse the bad angle but remember when I sucked a hulk sized dick and ended up in the ER afterwards LMFAO never forget.”

The tweet immediately attracted people’s attention, with many commending him for his hard work and asking him questions about the dynamic of the incident, which took place at the beginning of January.

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