What it’s like being a drag queen with Down’s Syndrome

Drag queen Horrora Shebang gets into make-up (PinkNews)

Otto describes life as a drag performer as being very similar to that of a superhero—”By day I am a man, and by night I am a drag queen.”

Otto has been touring the UK as drag persona, Horrora Shebang, with a collective called Drag Syndrome.

Drag Syndrome is paving the way for more inclusivity in the drag scene and recently took their troop of queens to perform at London’s Sink the Pink festival.

Otto told PinkNews that it’s good to have Down’s Syndrome as a drag queen as it helps to open people’s minds.

“It’s really exciting,” he added, while having his make-up done by Drag Dreams’ James Adisai at the PinkNews shoot, in which he revealed more details about his experience with Drag Syndrome.

Q. What is it like to be on tour as a drag performer?

A. “I like all the gay clubs,” he said. “My favourite thing about drag is meeting old faces and new faces, and all the drag artists.

“I also like doing lots of make-up and the clothes as well. I like performing drag because I like being on stage – I’m a bit feisty, I’m a bit of a fight talker.

“I’ve got my own fabulous life and I like to explore new stuff.”

Q. How would you describe your persona?

A. “Horrora Shebang is very powerful, she is really drag, darling. She likes a bit of Barbie.”

“She’s sexy, sassy and a bit hilarious.”


Horrora Shebang (Drag Syndrome)

Q. What do your fans say?

A. “Well done, Otto, what an amazing actor and amazing performer, you could get your own award.”

Q. Do you get any negative comments?

A. “Who’s that twat over there? Who’s that stupid Downsy?”

Q. What do you say to the haters?

“F*** you all, I’m an important actor and you lot are just low down little f***ers.”

Otto in drag (PinkNews)

Q. What is Horrora Shebang’s top tips for being a fabulous drag queen?

A. “Don’t be scared, don’t be nervous. If you get too much nervous, you could lose your lines.

“You need to focus, you need to be comfortable and you need stage presence.”

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