Trans campaigners condemn personal info leak of woman behind anti-trans billboard

Posie Parker is fundraising for a women's refuge. There's just one problem

Trans campaigners have criticised those who have leaked the personal information of Posie Parker, the woman behind Liverpool’s anti-trans billboard.

Parker’s personal information, including the address of her family home and videos of her children, were posted online on Sunday night (September 30) when someone created a fake social media account pretending to be her husband.

Parker, who told PinkNews she had reported the incident to police, runs anti-trans group Standing For Women. Her real name is Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull.

LGBT+ activist Adrian Harrop condemned the doxing of Parker. (Adrian Harrop)

Standing For Women regularly posts transphobic content on social media and opposes the government’s proposed reforms to the Gender Recognition Act 2004, which is currently out for consultation.

A billboard in Liverpool, paid for by supporters of Standing For Women, was recently taken down by the advertising company that put it up, following a complaint from LGBT+ activist and doctor Adrian Harrop.

Harrop said he was “saddened and shocked” to hear about the sharing of Parker’s personal information on social media.

“I would like to take this opportunity to condemn these acts in the strongest possible terms,” he told PinkNews.

“There is no reason for anyone, under any circumstances whatsoever, to attempt to place any individual or any individual’s family in danger or to compromise their right to privacy, especially when this involves children.

“This is an abhorrent thing to do, and I would never advocate for any person involved in any sort of activism to use such tactics.”

Mermaids CEO Susie Green. (green_susie100/Twitter)

Standing For Women’s billboard was the latest example of anti-trans resistance in Liverpool, after a number of phallic-shaped stickers stating “women don’t have penises” were plastered across the Crosby Beach area by another anti-trans group called Liverpool ReSisters.

Susie Green, CEO of Mermaids, a charity that supports gender-diverse and transgender children, told PinkNews: “There is never any justification for revealing personal details of anyone online. I have seen it happen and the motivation is always malicious.

“Even if you do not agree with someone’s ideals and actions, that is no excuse.”

An anti-trans billboard in Liverpool, paid for by supporters of Standing For Women, was taken down by the advertising company that put it up. (kiwibirdxx/Twitter)

Speaking to PinkNews, Parker said: “Last night at about 7:30 pm I was alerted to the fact someone had set up an account in my husbands name. This included photos and videos of my children as well as personal information and where I live.

“I have made a report to the police and am awaiting an officer to make a detailed report.

“I have been advised to contact the police should anyone suspicious turn up at my home.

“I have taken steps to ensure my children’s safety on their journeys to and from school. Due to activists sharing pictures of them and naming their schools before I have already alerted their schools safeguarding teams.

“This is a frightening time for all of us, women have often had their childrens safety used to silence us and keep us in line [sic].”

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