This heartwarming tweet about being trans went viral—and it’s amazing

A trans woman has posted about a heartwarming incident on a train when a young girl asked if she is transgender—and her tweet has gone viral.

Kate Hutchinson took to Twitter after she was asked about her gender identity by the youngster.

She wrote: “Young person on the train: ‘Are you transgender?’

Hutchinson’s tweet has gone viral. (katieloukhaos/Twitter)

“Parent looking embarrassed ‘Ssssh you can’t ask that.’ Me ‘It’s ok. Yes I am’

“Young Person ‘My friend at school is too, I’m so glad she can be herself, and I’m glad she’s not a grouchy boy anymore.’ Awwwww .”

Her tweet has been liked more than 45,000 times and re-tweeted by nearly 4,500 people.

And Hutchinson, who is a regional officer for Diversity Role Models, seems to have been blown away by the positive reaction, posting in a later tweet: “I’m smiling from ear to ear right now.”

Hutchinson’s post was praised by many on social media.(katieloukhaos/Twitter)

Twitter users have posted messages of support below Hutchinson’s post.

“Thank you for sharing. Your story brought a smile to my face during a week that’s otherwise been triggering,” one person said.

Another wrote: “Aww. Kiddos totally get it. What a lovely interaction. ❤️ .”

Twitter users have sent Hutchinson messages of support. (matokah/Twitter)

And one person gushed: “Beautiful. I wish more of us could be like the children and young people with such open hearts. What a different world it would be.”

In a comment below her tweet, Hutchinson also explained how she is open about being transgender to young people.

“I work with young LGBT people and do a lot of education work with schools,” she said.

“I’m really open about being trans because I believe visibility can help build acceptance.

Social media users have praised Hutchinson for her post. (justlikeharmony/Twitter)

“This sort of thing happening isn’t that rare. But I just thought I would share it after a sh*tty week for me.”

Commenting below Hutchinson’s tweet, one person posted:”It’s great that the parents are trying to teach their kids to be respectful of trans ppl.”

Hutchinson replied: “I’m really open about being trans. Usually because I believe that openness and visibility leads to understanding. So yeah I get what you mean, but she was asking with pure curiosity with a kind smile on her face, I was happy to answer.”

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