Alison Moyet says she ‘inadvertently’ sided with anti-trans activists

Singer Alison Moyet has denied she has issues with transgender women after signing an open letter criticising the work of LGBT+ charity Stonewall on trans rights.

Moyet, a frequent performer at Pride events, came under fire on Thursday after her name was included alongside a number of anti-transgender activists on a letter published in The Times.

The singer faced anger from fans over her participation, which claimed Stonewall’s work on trans issues is “undermining women’s sex-based rights and protections” and accused the charity of “demonising as transphobic those who wish to discuss, or dissent from, Stonewall’s transgender policies.”

Moyet has now sought to shed more light on why she signed the letter.

In a public response, Moyet said: “[Wednesday] night at the 11th hour, I was asked to sign a letter to Stonewall that sought an open debate about Trans issues and women issues, specifically concerning women’s spaces and perceived loss of agency.

“I agreed, though somewhat ill-advisedly. Not because I was misled, I wasn’t. But because I am woefully under-read on the points of contention here.”

She said: “I want to better understand all these issues and to this end, oppose the shutting down of talks and seminars and voices that can better help as to regard a view point, not purposefully to agree, but to be educated, is vital. I for one certainly need to hear more than the soundbites Twitter offers up, and that I spill like the rest.

“In signing the letter looking to encourage a productive debate, I inadvertently endorsed some issues that I don’t hold with.”

Moyet added: “My personal position is this. I give the trans community my support. I take trans women to be women and afford them the same respect and dignity any soul deserves. I have no issue sharing a public toilet with trans women and do not feel any threat at the prospect.”

“I am pro-diversity in education and believe children should reach their majority without pressure to conform, and are neither met with a readiness to fix them on a path that may undulate, as paths often do. I understand seeking debate can be regarded as phobic but dispel that as an unsound conclusion.

“I will continue to support trans rights whilst personally seeking to better understand the nuances of the issues.”

The singer also confirmed that she would be leaving Twitter, where she had become involved in debates on the issue.

Moyet added: “Tomorrow l am leaving Twitter as an individual, of my own volition, and am passing the keys to this page onto my team to post work news only.

“Thank you for the chats we shared when they bounced with heart, and the tremendous larks. I have loved you.”

The letter to The Times followed a petition was also launched this week purporting to represent LGB people who disagree with Stonewall’s work on trans issues.


The charity has taken the rare step of posting a direct response from chief executive Ruth Hunt on its blog, rebuking the criticism.


Stonewall CEO Ruth Hunt

Stonewall CEO Ruth Hunt

Hunt wrote: “The petition…. asks us to acknowledge that there is a conflict between trans rights and ‘sex based women’s rights’.

“We do not and will not acknowledge this. Doing so would imply that we do not believe that trans people deserve the same rights as others.

“However, we are unequivocal in our support of trans people’s – and everyone’s – right to equality and will remain so. Our motto is ‘acceptance without exception.'”



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