Man caught spray-painting ‘bash a gay’ graffiti in Sydney

Protests in Australia

Police in Sydney are on the hunt for a man caught spray-painting homophobic abuse on a building.

Two women were walking through the area of Alexandria when they spotted the man spraying graffiti on a wall.

As Laura Hunter and April Long passed by, they noticed the message read: “Bash a gay today.”

Speaking to AAP, Hunter told the Australian Association Press that the man said he had been “robbed by a gay man once”.

The man wore a hat pulled down over his eyes and his identity is unknown.

A NSW Police spokesperson said officers from Redfern Police Area Command were investigating the vandalism and called for anyone with more information to come forward.

Thousands gather in Prince Alfred Park in Sydney for the result of the vote (Photo by Cole Bennetts/Getty Images)

Sydney celebrating legalising same-sex marriage (Cole Bennetts/Getty Images)

Australia legalised same-sex marriage at the end of 2017, with the first couples tying the knot in January this year.

It came after almost 13 million Australians (79.5%) voted in the country’s non-binding postal ballot to endorse the law.

The motion was approved almost unanimously by the House of Representatives, after passing the upper chamber the previous week.

Royal Assent was given to the same-sex marriage law on 8 December following on from a historic postal vote earlier in the year which saw more than 61 percent of Australians vote Yes for same-sex marriage.

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - DECEMBER 07: Tracy Clark and her partner Justyna Greinart embrace as they gather with a crowd of people to watch a large television screen at Federation Square as it is announced that same-sex marriage will be legal in Australia with Parliament agreeing to change the Marriage Act and end the ban on gay and lesbian couples marrying on December 7, 2017 in Melbourne, Australia. The historic bill was passed on the final day of parliamentart sitting for 2017. The legislation means same-sex couples will now be able to be legally married in Australia. Australians voted 'Yes' in the Marriage Law Postal Survey for the law to be changed in November. (Photo by Scott Barbour/Getty Images)

The postal vote led to same-sex marriage being legalised (Scott Barbour/Getty)

The process to legalise same-sex marriage which included a non-binding postal vote was criticised by the United Nations Human Rights Council and LGBT rights campaigners, however.

The council said Australians were put “through an unnecessary and divisive public opinion poll.”

Homophobia also remains a problem. Earlier this year, a non-profit legal group filed an anti-discrimination case against 25 people over hate speech — including the words “burn all faggots” — during Australia’s Marriage Law Postal Survey.

The LGBTI Legal Service lodged the complaint with the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland after receiving funding from the state government to investigate potential hate speech.

The service said it had collected more than 220 examples of hate speech, ranging from individuals posting on social media to neo-Nazi groups distributing posters on university campuses.

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