Gay Twitter slams Kanye West and Kim Kardashian for meeting Ugandan president

Social media users have criticised Kanye West and Kim Kardashian for meeting with the president of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, who is notoriously against LGBT+ rights.

The rapper and his reality star wife met up with Museveni on Monday (October 15), where West presented the leader with a pair of Yeezy trainers.

Homosexuality remains illegal in Uganda and is punishable with a life prison sentence.

West shakes Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni’s hand. (KagutaMuseveni/Twitter)

In 2009, the Guardian reported that Musevini had “appeared to add his backing” to a proposed bill to introduce the death penalty for those convicted of same-sex sexual activity, saying that homosexuality was against god’s will.

Twitter users lashed out at West and Kardashian for meeting up with the Ugandan president because of his anti-LGBT+ views.

Alastair Jamieson, a journalist at NBC News, posted: “One of the most anti-LGBT countries in the world, and Kanye West gifts the ruler a pair of sneakers.”

Another Twitter user said: “Museveni is an Evangelical Christian who has held office for over 30 years. He has supported and instituted a variety of extreme anti-LGBT policies and laws in Uganda. Apparently, human rights aren’t a big deal to Kanye West.”

And one person wrote: “Yo @KimKardashian and @kanyewest did you do your homework on #Uganda anti-LGBT laws and death sentences they use on their gay citizens before meeting their President and First Lady?”

Journalist Alastair Jamieson criticised West and Kardashian for meeting the Ugandan president. (alastairjam/Twitter)

In 2014, the country’s parliament passed the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, making homosexuality punishable with life imprisonment.

The act previously included a clause that would have made same-sex sexual activity punishable by death, but this was scrapped following widespread criticism.

Taking to Twitter following their meeting, Museveni posted on Monday (October 15): “I welcome American entertainment stars Kanye West and @KimKardashian to Uganda. I held fruitful discussions with the duo on how to promote Uganda’s tourism and the arts. I thank Kanye for the gift of white sneakers. Enjoy your time in Uganda. It is the true Pearl of Africa.”

West has previously been criticised by those in the LGBT+ community for his support of US president Donald Trump. 

Kardashian, meanwhile, was recently accused of homophobia after she insinuated that model Tyson Beckford, who had criticised a picture of her, was gay.

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