Illinois Republican governor ridicules same-sex marriage in bizarre campaign ad

Illinois’ Republican governor Bruce Rauner has made fun of equal marriage, describing it as an “unholy union,” in a campaign video for him to secure a second term in his role.

Rauner’s campaign released the video on YouTube on Monday (October 22). The ad shows two actors portraying his Democratic rival J.B. Pritzker and the Illinois House of Representatives speaker Michael Madigan getting married in a mock ceremony.

“Repeat after me. I, Mike Madigan, take you, J.B. Pritzker, as my unlawful partner in destruction, to raise property taxes, corrupt government, and bankrupt Illinois’ future,” says the vicar in the ad.

Rauner is campaigning for a second term as Illinois governor. (John Gress/Getty Images)

Marrying the couple, he adds: “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce Illinois f****d.”

The expletive is bleeped out, but it is clear what the officiant says from his mouth movements.

“Mike Madigan and J.B. Pritzker—an unholy union Illinois can’t afford,” Rauner says in a voiceover at the end of the video.

Pritzker appeared unimpressed by the advert, telling ABC: “Look, Bruce Rauner is desperate with fourteen days left in the campaign, he’s willing to say anything, do anything to try to win re-election.”

Rauner, who also shared the ad on his Twitter account, stood by his message in the video.

Watch the video below:

“I can say very clearly that Pritzker in office with Madigan, the people of Illinois are abused, or screwed to use that word, I’ll use that word,” Rauner said at a press conference, reports ABC.

The next governor of Illinois will be decided on November 6 during the US midterm elections.

survey conducted by LGBT+ rights group GLAAD published on Sunday (October 2) reported that only 32 Republican candidates in the midterm elections had responded to a survey about their LGBT+ beliefs—and nearly half weren’t classified as an ally.

In contrast, the survey received 240 responses from Democrats running for Congress, governor or lieutenant governor, of which 99 percent achieved a rating of “Ally” from the organisation.

This means that the Democrats have 13 times as many openly LGBT-friendly candidates as the Republicans ahead of the midterm elections.

Pritzker was unimpressed by Rauner’s video. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)


On Wednesday (October 24), Laverne Cox spoke ahead of the midterm elections in Massachusetts, which will include a vote on whether to retain legal protections for trans people.

Cox urger voters to retain the anti-discrimination legalisation, saying: “Massachusetts has an opportunity to send a message to this administration, has an opportunity to send a message to the rest of the country that this is not who we are as Americans, that this is not who we are as human beings, that we respect the humanity of everyone.”

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