Lesbian couple’s magical Harry Potter proposal delights JK Rowling

JK Rowling has congratulated a lesbian couple on their amazing Harry Potter-themed proposal.

Proud Slytherin Heather Pearson, of Portland, decided to pop the question to her girlfriend and fellow Potterhead, Kelsey Stacy in the most beautiful way.

Pearson staged an elaborate proposal on Halloween.

In a clip uploaded to YouTube, Pearson spoke about her hopes for the proposal, which had “been in the works for about a year.”

She explained: “Kelsey and I went to Harry Potter World on our first anniversary, we love Harry Potter, all the movies and all the books.

“Growing up I never pictured what my life would look like, but when I met Kelsey, [I knew] that this is it.”

The couple both already owned wands and Slytherin cloaks, and in the run-up to the proposal Pearson convinced her fiancée-to-be to help plan a Harry Potter-themed Halloween party.

Pearson added: “Little did she know, she was planning her own engagement party as well!”

Heather Pearson with a custom Harry Potter book

On the day of the party, Pearson revealed a Harry Potter scavenger hunt across Portland for her girlfriend, where Stacy was surprised by her friends, and the first three Harry Potter books containing personalised love letters from Harry Potter character Draco Malfoy.

The fourth book, the couple’s favourite, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was located back at their apartment, where Pearson was waiting, dressed as Draco Malfoy.

Heather Pearson pops the question to Kelsey Stacy

Pearson pulled out a ring and the copy of Goblet of Fire, which had been creatively folded so that the pages spell out “Marry me?”

Stacy emotionally accepted the proposal, to cheers from the pair’s friends.

The proposal won the heart of Harry Potter author JK Rowling, who shared it on Twitter.

Rowling added: “CONGRATULATIONS! .”

It’s far from the only queer Harry Potter proposals.

Harry Potter World is a common location for Potter fans to pop the question, with two same-sex couples going viral after sharing their photos online.

One of the couples even used a Golden Snitch ring box.

They have competition from Pokémon fans when it comes to themed proposals, however.

In 2015, a Pokémon-loving couple’s proposal went viral – after they shared picture of their Pokéball-inspired ring boxes.

Brett gave his boyfriend Max a choice between three custom-designed ‘starter’ rings – a fire type, a water type and a grass type, naturally.

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