November love horoscopes: Lesbian tarot reader on your star sign

Been wondering if your horoscope will spell love or fleeting romance this November? Our lesbian tarot card reader has all the answers.

Watch the video below to discover if this month your horoscope will spell drama, a real-life lesbian u-haul moment, or a dating disaster.

What is my love horoscope this November?

Aries, drop your tarnished view on love—look at that special someone as if you’ve never fallen in love before.

Taurus, that perfect person might just make an appearance this November.

Gemini, watch out, your love horoscope is not spelling good news this November.

Cancer, an old pal is going to make an appearance and could spell new romance for you this month.

Leo, don’t put all your eggs in one basket this November.

Virgo, listen to that match-making friend–they may have some wise words and an even wiser suggestion.

Libra, this November your horoscope it making it extra clear: you seriously need to follow your heart this month.

Scorpio, you need to be aware of trust this November—watch out, your horoscope spells a warning this month.

Sagittarius, this November you can’t help chase someone who is the polar opposite to you.

We know dating can be exhausting, Capricorn, so you may need to take a breather from all that dating this November.

Aquarius, your love horoscope is spelling a new romance—but it may not be with someone entirely new.

Pisces, it’s hot and cold drama for you this month. Buckle up, a new womxn is taking you for a ride this November.

Watch the video above to see this month’s full lesbian love horoscopes. Our tarot card readings are done by horoscope whizz, Tortor, who recently spoke to PinkNews about being non-binary and lesbian.

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