‘Gays should be f**king illegal’ rant goes viral

Reese Buhr talking on Instagram after being rejected from gay club 441 Main

A man who was denied entry to a club for allegedly using homophobic language, has gone viral with a video saying: “I f**king hate gays” and adding that they “should be f**king illegal.”

Reese Buhr and his friend were turned away from the line outside 441 Main in Winnipeg, Canada on Saturday (November 24) night.

The rejection prompted Buhr to start a livestream of himself ranting against gay people.

Reese Buhr during his anti-gay rant, speaking to his Instagram audience

Reese Buhr embarked on his tirade after being ejected from the line at a gay club (reesebuhr/instagram)

In the video, which was viewed on social media thousands of times, he can be heard saying: “Do I hate gays? Yes.

“Where are my f**king rights? As a f**king straight person, I have rights. Not only queers have rights.”

The straight man, who claimed he was ejected from the line because his friend “said the word gay,” continued the rant by telling his followers: “What the f**k, man. Since when do queers run our f**king country? Are you f**king joking me?”

He added that homosexuality, which was decriminalised in Canada in 1969, should once again be made illegal, telling his audience: “These f**king queers were illegal 20 years ago.

Reese Buhr shares his views about gay people with the world, via Instagram

“They should be f**king illegal,” said Reese Buhr about gay people (reesebuhr/instagram)

“My grandparents would say: ‘What the f**k? That’s f**ked, man!’ And I’m with them on that s**t. This is bulls**t. They should not be legal,” Buhr continued. “They should be f**king illegal.

“They should be arrested, they should be f**king put in jail for sticking their dicks in other people’s arses, man. This is bulls**t and I’m f**king mad about it, and I’m going to do something.”

Reese Buhr’s rant (Warning: strong, anti-gay language)

In a second video, Buhr expressed his gratitude with people agreeing with his anti-gay views, adding: “We are being put down for our sexuality even though we’re the good sexuality.

“We’re straight. We’re the way God intended it.”

Club has no regrets about ejecting Reese Buhr

Nikola Maharajh, who co-owns the venue, told CityNews that “Fardad, who is one of our security guards… was working the door that night. He witnessed someone speaking homophobic language.

A post on Facebook by 441 Main, a gay club in Winnipeg, Canada

441 Main responded to Reese Buhr’s rant with a message of love and support for the LGBT+ community (441 main/facebook)

“Obviously, he didn’t appreciate that, and he told the guy: ‘Sorry, you’re not going to come in tonight.'”

Maharajh stood by his employee’s decision, saying: “We really preach equality here—doesn’t matter what race you are, gender you are or your sexual orientation.

“We just really want everyone to feel comfortable and have a good time on the weekend. So, if we let someone like that in, it’s going to ruin someone’s night,” he explained.

The club posted a picture of a Pride flag after Buhr’s rant went viral, adding the caption: “At 441 Main we pride ourselves on diversity and equality.

“We will continue to defend your rights, making our venue a safe place for everyone because no matter who you are or whom you love, you are human, and we welcome you.”

Reese Buhr talking to his Instagram audience about his rant

Reese Buhr apologises for his tirade, saying: “I’m sorry” (reesebuhr/instagram)

Buhr followed up his tirade with an apology, posting a video in which he said: “I sincerely apologise to anyone I’ve offended, and I take full responsibility for my actions.”

Reese Buhr’s apology video:

The young man, who has since made his social media accounts private, continued: “I’d also like to apologise to security—you guys were just doing your job. I do not hate gays. I respect them and their choices, and I was drunk, and I know that’s not an excuse, but I was saying things I did not mean.

“My eyes have been opened and I messed up really badly, and I want to make things right. So to the LGBTQ+ community, I am sincerely sorry and I take full responsibility for what I said. I’m sorry.”

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