Gay black furry SonicFox crowned best esports player in the world

SonicFox attends The 2018 Game Awards at Microsoft Theater on December 06, 2018 in Los Angeles, California

Gay black furry Dominique “SonicFox” McLean has won Best Esports Player at The Game Awards 2018, and given a wonderful pro-LGBT+ speech.

The 20-year-old prompted rapturous applause by telling the audience in Los Angeles and millions of online viewers that he was “super gay” after accepting the award from actor Joel McHale.

The gamer, who won his fourth Evolution Championship Series title by triumphing in the Dragon Ball FighterZ section in August, added: “I wanna give a super shoutout to all my LGBTQ+ friends that have always helped me through life.”

“I’m gay, black, a furry—pretty much everything a Republican hates”

— Dominique “SonicFox” McLean

Furries are people who enjoy dressing up in animal costumes, and McLean showed off his furry persona (fursona) by bringing his blue fox head and tail on stage before telling the watching public: “Obviously, I’m a furry, so shout out to the furries.

“Guess all I gotta really say is that I’m gay, black, a furry—pretty much everything a Republican hates—and the best esports player of the whole year, I guess. Thank you so much!”

On Twitter after the event, he targeted conservatives such as writer Ian Miles Cheong who had aimed hate his way, saying: “damn made a lot of right wingers angry today!

Dominique “SonicFox” McLean gives a speech after winning the award for best esports player in the world

SonicFox took off his furry head for the last half of the speech (Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty)

“To them, all I have to say to you is… suck my f**king dick LMFAOOOOOOO .”

McLean continued: “yall have literally oppressed me my whole life and the livelihood of me and others, yet… I still made it here.

“It’s definitely more than a game. Yall catching that dunk on a huge platform right quick lmfao.”

He later added that he felt like his Game Awards 2018 triumph and speech had “made tons of people be comfortable with themselves.”

SonicFox’s fans were ecstatic

McLean’s supporters were delighted with his award and victory speech, with one tweeting: Aww! I’m so proud of you @SonicFox5000! You’ve come such a long way and deserve this award more than anyone.

“We the LGBTQ are here to stay and a force to be reckoned with.”

Other users also conveyed their joy and pride, tweeting: “WE STAN A LEGEND,” “sonicfox forever” and, in video game developer Zoë Quinn‘s case: “PROTECT SONICFOX FOR ALL TIME.”

Another fan wrote: “sonicfox repping everything he is proudly inside of the hellworld that is games makes all the other terrible parts of this show worth it.”

Dominique “SonicFox” McLean is a passionate LGBT+ activist

SonicFox also took a spectacular stand after winning his Evolution Championship Series trophy earlier this year.

The champion gamer took out his phone in front of hundreds of thousands of people at the Las Vegas event and online and tweeted: “im gay. Also the best dbfz player on this f**king planet dont forget it.”

For his fans, it was a moment of celebration—both for his win, and for the loud and proud way in which he marked it.

He has since consistently tweeted his support for trans women, saying: “Trans-Women are Women ” and telling his followers that “if I had a button to just instantly delete every terf on the planet id have pressed that s**t 20 times in the same breath.”

Watch gay black furry gamer SonicFox give his speech:

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