10 gay commercials from around the world

Smart communications: Gay commercial, gay advert, Filipino TV ad

We’ve listed top gay commercials and TV ads from countries all around the world such as the USA, Philippines, United Kingdom, Mexico and India. These LGBT-inspired TV adverts are truly heartwarming, so get the tissues ready to dry those tears.

As the rainbow family grows with rights and acceptance around the world, brands are starting to join in to show they welcome LGBT+ customers. They have created gorgeous gay commercials that will make audiences laugh and weep.

Of course, such ads will cause the homophobic people of the world to see red. Well, those people can stick to the brands that aren’t about love.

Enjoy these 10 gay commercials.

1) Wells Fargo

Get your tissues at the ready, because this American gay advert is definitely one that will pull your heart strings.

The ad features two women learning American Sign Language for a number of phrases – including “nice to meet you,” “let’s read a book,” and “are you cold?”

Although it’s not altogether clear why they’re learning at first – you understand when the couple sign: “Hello beautiful. We’re going to be your new mummies” to a little girl.

Before the same-sex marriage bill in the US, Wells Fargo was one of many companies that joined together to call for gay marriage to be legalised

2) Colgate

“Smile with Pride.”

This Colgate advert from Mexico also gives us the LGBT+ representation we’re looking for.

In the TV ad, a gay couple is seen holding hands and smiling bright after moving into a home together.

3) Anouk Apparell

This gay advert was released in India when gay sex was illegal. Now, India has finally caught up with the times by legalising homosexuality.

The gay commercial was created by clothing company Anouk Ethnic. It depicts a lesbian couple getting ready for a visit from one of the girl’s parents to meet the new girlfriend for the first time.

Producer of the video, Avishek Ghosh, told the Times of India: “We tried to avoid the stereotypes associated with gay people.

“There was no one woman looking more masculine or feminine in the film. We tried to give it a candid feel like it is any other couple being apprehensive about meeting the parents.”

4) Smart Communications

As far as gay commercials go, this one is arguably the best.

The beautiful advert really reflects on what LGBT people face. Despite not being in English, you can follow the storyline easily as it’s about fathers accepting their son’s sexuality.

Not surprisingly, this heartwarming gay commercial went viral on Youtube with the company entitling the video “Break down barriers and welcome change!”

6) Campbell

This American soup advert shows an adorable family of two gay dads and a son sitting together at the table.

What’s better, the couple is singing the Star Wars theme, each imitating Darth Vader by saying: “I am your father.”

Yeah, this gets our vote.

7) Coca-Cola

This hilarious TV advert shows siblings compete for the affection of their hot pool boy. The brother and sister race to hand him a thirst-quenching Coca-Cola bottle.

But who wins the handsome man’s attention? Watch it and find out.

8) Bench/

The Philippine clothing brand’s fragrance advert shows that gender and sexuality don’t matter when it comes to smell.

Not only does the advert give a platform for the LGBT community, the viral video has also caused some suspense. On YouTube, the top comment reads: “NOOOOO what happens next time?? I need to know! Does he get the guy or not??”

9) O2

In the United Kingdom, gay-themed adverts dominate the list of those that attract the most complaints.

The UK’s Advertising Standards Authority released a list of the 10 adverts which received the most complaints from the public over the course of a year and this advert came at number eight due to two men kissing.

The ASA said: “Many felt the scene was too sexually explicit and scheduled inappropriately at times when children were likely to be watching. Some also felt the portrayal of a same-sex relationship was offensive to their religious beliefs.”

10) Magnum

Although no gay couples are in this commercial, it deserves an honourable mention for its representation of the LGBT community.

Drag superstar, Willam Belli, features in this seductive advert for ice cream giants Magnum.

The ad shows the Drag Race alum alongside other gender-nonconforming individuals under the tag line: “Be True To Your Pleasure.”

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