7 in 10 trans people had depression in past year, says survey

A depressed man

Seven in 10 trans people have experienced depression in the past year, according to new research by Stonewall Scotland.

The latest research published on January 9—based on responses from a YouGov poll of 1,261 LGBT+ people in Scotland—also found more than half (52 percent) of trans people have thought about taking their own life in the last 12 months.

Another key finding in the publication, called LGBT in Scotland – Health Report, was that nearly half (49 percent) of LGBT+ people have experienced depression in the last year.

More than half of trans people have considered suicide

The report found that nearly two in five trans people (37 percent) have avoided healthcare treatment because they fear being discriminated against.

“I have experienced repeated expression of prejudiced attitudes towards me by mental health service providers due to me being trans, some in NHS and some in non-NHS services.”

—A respondent in the Stonewall Scotland report

The report revealed that almost a quarter of LGBT+ people (24 percent) have heard negative or discriminatory comments against LGBT+ people by healthcare staff.

Comments left in the report paint a bleak picture of healthcare for the LGBT+ community in Scotland, particularly for trans people.

“I have experienced repeated expression of prejudiced attitudes towards me by mental health service providers due to me being trans, some in NHS and some in non-NHS services,” one respondent wrote.

A depressed woman

Stonewall Scotland’s findings build on previous research showing LGBT+ people are disproportionately affected by mental health problems, such as depression. (Wikimedia Commons)

“Repeatedly being needlessly outed as trans without my consent by NHS professionals to other NHS professionals despite being transitioned for over 15 years and having a Gender Recognition Certificate.

“And repeatedly being asked intrusive and completely irrelevant questions by NHS professionals about my transition and other aspects of being trans.”

Another said: “When I attended at A&E and more than one medical member of staff asked, ‘Is this your friend?’ when gesturing to my wife. How hard would it be for all staff to ask all patients ‘who have you brought with you to hospital today?’

Stonewall Scotland report builds on previous research in depression in the LGBT+ community

Stonewall Scotland’s publication builds on previous research, which suggests that LGBT+ people are disproportionately affected by mental health issues.

In November, a report by Stonewall found that half of LGBT+ people in Britain have had depression in the past year.

In September, research by the University of Arizona in the US found that more than half (51 percent) of trans male teenagers—and 30 percent of trans female teens—have attempted suicide in the past year.

And, in 2016, a study by the NationalCentre for Transgender Equality found that 40 percent of transgender people had tried to end their lives.

The 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey, meanwhile, revealed that one in four trans adults reported attempting suicide.

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