School allegedly rejected LGBT essay as it would ‘upset’ parents

School allegedly rejected LGBT essay as it would 'upset' parents

A 10-year-old girl has said that an essay she wrote for school on LGBT+ rights was rejected by her school principal, who said it would “make other parents upset.”

The principal allegedly told the girl to write an essay about bullying instead as she did not want to create an “undesirable situation” at the school, according to a lawsuit filed by the girl’s mother, the Charlotte Observer reports.

The lawsuit alleges that the principal then confronted the girl’s mother about the essay, telling her that they topic was “not acceptable” and that it was not “age appropriate” to discuss trans people, lesbians or drag queens outside of the home.

“People think that men should not drees [sic] like a women, [sic] and saying mean things.”

– Quote from child’s allegedly rejected essay

The school, which is located in South Carolina in the US, is now being sued by the girl’s mother, Hannah Robinson, for violating the child’s First Amendment right to free speech.

Emotional distress

They also claim that the school principal, Elizabeth Foster of Anderson Mill Elementary School, caused them both emotional distress.

In a written statement, school district spokeswoman Cynthia Robinson denied the claims, saying they consider the allegations to be “inaccurate” – although she also said that, as it is a legal matter, they are limited in what they can say.

Pupils attend class at a school like the one in South Carolina that allegedly rejected LGBT essay as it would 'upset' parents

Pupils attend class at a school (Jeff J Mitchell/Getty)

“We are serious about treating every child with kindness, respect, and without discrimination,” Robinson said.

The child’s grandfather is openly gay and is active in the LGBT+ community, according to the lawsuit, which is why she wanted to write about LGBT+ rights.

“We are serious about treating every child with kindness, respect, and without discrimination.”

– Cynthia Robinson, school district spokeswoman

When the class was given an assignment  to write a short essay “to society”, the child decided she wanted to write about the close-to-home topic.

The lawsuit quotes directly from a part of the girl’s essay, which reads: “I don’t know if you know this but peoples view on Tran’s genders is an issue [sic]. People think that men should not drees [sic] like a women, [sic] and saying mean things. They think that they are choosing the wrong thing in life. In the world people can choose who they want.”

Topic would be ‘disagreeable’

The lawsuit further alleges that the school’s principal harassed the girl’s mother and said that the topic would be “disagreeable” due to the type of school it is.

They claim that the child is now afraid of the school principal and they are seeking compensatory damages for the emotional pain and suffering they experienced.

“They think that they are choosing the wrong thing in life. In the world people can choose who they want.”

– Quote from child’s allegedly rejected essay

Meanwhile, another case concerning a school dominated headlines in Kansas this week, after a Catholic school in the region rejected an application from a gay couple for their child to go to school there.

According to The Kansas City Star, local pastor Father Craig J. Maxim addressed the school’s families and staff in a letter last month, mentioning he had listened to their concerns and sought counsel from his superiors at the Archdiocese of Kansas City.

Father Maxim said he was told “same-sex unions are not in conformance with the Church’s teaching on sacramental marriage,” and therefore the child of gay parents could not be admitted to the Kansas Catholic school.

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