Majority in all 50 US states support LGBT discrimination protections

LGBT discrimination: Activists for the LGBTQ community rally during a protest of the Trump administration October 22, 2018 in Washington, DC.

A majority of people in all 50 US states support LGBT discrimination protections, polling has found.

The Public Religion Research Institute surveyed people on the issue ahead of the reintroduction of the Equality Act in Congress, a proposed federal law that would outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

It found that 69 percent of Americans are in support of laws that would protect LGBT people from discrimination in the job market, public accommodations, and housing.

Majority of Republican voters support LGBT discrimination protections

79 percent of Democrats, 70 percent of independents and 56 percent of Republicans support discrimination protections, despite opposition from Republican lawmakers.

In addition, LGBT discrimination protections have majority support within all major religious groups, including from 70 percent of Mormons, 71 percent of Protestants and 60 percent of Muslims.

A majority of people in all 50 US states support an anti-discrimination law protecting LGBT+ people

A majority of people in all 50 US states support an anti-discrimination law protecting LGBT+ people.

LGBT discrimination protections also have majority support in all 50 states, with support spanning from 56 percent in Arkansas to 81 percent in New Hampshire.

It is currently legal to discriminate against LGBT+ people in 30 US states due to inadequate state-level protections, while Republicans have spent years blocking the Equality Act in Congress.

Support for LGBT discrimination protections cuts across ‘lines of party, religion, demographics, and region’

The PRRI said: “Majorities of Americans across virtually all demographic groups and geographical locations support laws protecting LGBT people.

“As LGBT issues continue to take center stage in American political discussion, support for federal nondiscrimination protections for LGBT people is one of the issues on which people agree across lines of party, religion, demographics, and region.”

David Cicilline, co-chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, is this week set to reintroduce the Equality Act to Congress.

Cicilline said: “Fairness and equality are core American values. Unfortunately, as he has shown again and again, the President does not share these ideals.

“That’s why it’s more important than ever that Members of Congress stand up for the rights of the LGBT community.

“As I prepare to re-introduce the Equality Act, I am delighted that so many of my House colleagues – the largest number on record, in fact – are committed to fighting for full LGBT equality as members of this important caucus.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has pledged to make the bill a priority after Democrats regained control of the chamber, though it will face a tougher ride in the Senate, where Republicans who have held up the bill’s passage for years continue to hold a majority.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi confirmed on March 7: “Next week, we will be launching our Equality Act to end discrimination for the LGBTQ community.”

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