LGBT-inclusive education charity TIE facing collapse

A Scottish charity that advocates for LGBT-inclusive education has warned that it is set to collapse.

The Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) campaign led efforts to convince politicians in Scotland to make LGBT-inclusive education standard in Scottish schools.

However, a statement on Tuesday (April 2) warned that the charity could be forced to close due to a funding shortfall.

TIE organisers said that they are unable to meet demand for LGBT-inclusive education without core funding.

Time for Inclusive Education ‘may dissolve’ over funding issues

The statement says: “At New Year, we told you that following the announcement that our model of LGBT-inclusive education was to become a reality in all state schools, we would attempt to seek core funding in order to meet the massive demand that has been placed upon us for the free school services that we deliver.

“Currently, over 100 schools, a dozen local authorities, and numerous national educational organisations are looking to work with us.

“We cannot meet this demand – which continues to grow daily – without sustainable funding, resourcing and people power.”

LGBT-inclusive education charity Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) could close

LGBT-inclusive education charity Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) could close

The statement adds: “Our plan is to scale these services – which are unique, proven to be effective and, we believe, more necessary now than ever before.

“Unfortunately, we have been unsuccessful in finding a core funding source thus far.

“We are now considering our options for the future, which may lead to the dissolution of TIE.”

It continues: “This is not the news we hope to share with our partner organisations or with all of the schools and colleges who are patiently waiting on confirmation of whether well be available to work with them.

“We will update the situation in the coming days.”

Scottish government urged to secure funding for TIE charity

The Scottish government has been urged to help the ailing charity, which was set up in 2015 as a grassroots campaign for inclusive education but has since seen its influence expand significantly.

In November, the Scottish government accepted a series recommendations from an inclusive education working group, seeking to establish LGBT+ inclusion as a critical component of education in state schools.

Labour, Green and Liberal Democrat officials told The Herald that urgent action should be taken.

Green MSP Patrick Harvie said: “The TIE campaign have made an amazing impact in a short space of time, but their transition to becoming a fully fledged education charity means they need to step up to the next level financially.

“If the Scottish Government’s commitment to LGBTI inclusive education is serious, they will need to fund the work that’s needed one way or another, so we’d encourage them to work with TIE as the most obvious and best qualified people to deliver this work.”

A Scottish government spokesperson said: “We are fully aware of the funding difficulties currently being experienced by the TIE Campaign.

“We are carefully considering all options to further support the TIE Campaign in its important work with schools in Scotland.”

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