Piers Morgan calls for ‘non-stop global gay orgy’ in Brunei owned hotels

Piers Morgan who reportedly clashed with Will Young at Chelsea Flower Show

Piers Morgan has called on gay people to “buy up every room” in Brunei owned hotels and have a “non-stop orgy of fun and frivolity” to shame the country for its new anti-gay laws.

Writing in his Daily Mail column, Morgan said he would like to see gay people rising up and hitting the Sultan of Brunei “where it will really hurt: his reputation.”

Responding to Brunei’s new anti-gay laws that will see gay people stoned to death—which came into force yesterday—Morgan said queer people should fill the hotels up and play Diana Ross’s “I’m Coming Out” on a 24-hour loop.

“Let’s have at least three gay weddings a day, every day, every month, in every hotel,” he continued. “Make the Sultan of Bigotry’s collection a magnificent monument to gay marriage.

“Imagine how humiliated and small he would feel if his hotels became the very epicentre of gay pride and culture; if every place he owns from London to Paris to LA reverberated with joyous celebration of living, breathing, fornicating homosexuality.”

He finished his column by suggesting that the Sultan of Brunei would be so ashamed to have gay people in his hotels that he might “end up stoning himself to death.”

Piers Morgan said he disagrees with boycotting Brunei owned hotels

In the column, Morgan also expressed his frustration and anger with Brunei for introducing its new anti-gay laws, which came into effect yesterday (3 April). The laws will also see adulterers stoned to death.

“How is it possible that any country on modern Planet Earth would bring in new laws making homosexuality an act punishable by being killed in such a barbaric way?” he said.

He said he disagreed with recent moves to boycott hotels owned by the Sultan of Brunei, and said boycotts would impact on hotel staff.

“Imagine how humiliated and small he would feel if his hotels became the very epicentre of gay pride and culture.”

– Piers Morgan

Morgan also suggested that profits from hotels makes up “barely a pinprick” in the sultan’s enormous fortune.

It emerged early last week that Brunei was set to introduce its long-rumoured anti-gay laws which would see gay people stoned to death.

The news led to a huge reaction across the world and led to high-profile figures coming forward to call for a boycott of Brunei owned hotels.

Piers Morgan calls for ‘non-stop global gay orgy’ in Brunei owned hotels

Piers Morgan (Jeff Spicer/Getty)

George Clooney, Elton John and Ellen DeGeneres have joined the boycott of Brunei owned hotels

In an op-ed for Deadline last week, George Clooney called on people to boycott Brunei owned hotels.

“Every single time we stay at or take meetings at or dine at any of these nine hotels we are putting money directly into the pockets of men who choose to stone and whip to death their own citizens for being gay or accused of adultery,” Clooney said.

Elton John echoed this sentiment in a Twitter thread last weekend where he said that his heart went out to “good, hardworking employees” of the hotels—but said a boycott was necessary.

Meanwhile, Ellen DeGeneres urged people to “rise up” against the new laws and boycott the hotels.

On Monday 1 April, the UN’s human rights chief Michelle Bachelet branded the new laws “cruel and inhuman.”

“I appeal to the Government to stop the entry into force of this draconian new penal code, which would mark a serious setback for human rights protections for the people of Brunei if implemented.”

She also said that the death penalty “is disproportionately applied against people who are already vulnerable.”

The laws have also been slammed by the European Union, who referred to the laws as “cruel” in a statement.

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