Gay people praise straight friends on Twitter after viral post

A viral tweet from a gay man who took his straight friend to a formal, overlaid with other tweets.

A viral tweet by a gay nursing student has prompted queer people to pay tribute to their straight best friends.

On Sunday (April 7), New Orleans student Bryce tweeted: “I told my best friend I didn’t have a date to my nursing school formal,” before sharing the subsequent conversation.

“Him: Why didn’t u ask me? Me: Well Trent, because ur straight. Him: Bryce we’ve been buddies for years & it kinda hurts my feelings u think I still care what people say,” wrote the student.

He added: “In my opinion, everyone needs a Trent!”

Twitter users agreed with the viral post, writing messages like “this made my gay heart happy” and “this is the sweetest thing ever. we stan a trent.”

Another person said: “Wow, a man who is comfortable with his sexuality and the ones of others, we stan. So happy you have such a supportive and loving human being in your life .”

Sweet viral tweet prompts queer users to share stories about straight best friends

The post, which has attracted more than 64,000 retweets and likes, led other queer people to pay tribute to their Trent—the straight person in their lives who makes them happy, often tagging them in their tributes.

One person tweeted: “My Trent is a Josh. He’s had my back since we first met & it’s never been about him being straight or me being gay.

“He’s one of my best friends, my partner in crime, wicked banterer, & the guy who secretly loves takin pics with me. Quite lucky to have him.”

“Awww I have Trent too, my best bro Neil!! I loving call him my ‘gay bait’ haha!! He’s one of my only straight guy friends who will go dancing with me at the gay bars.”

Another said: “Awww I have Trent too, my best bro Neil!! I loving call him my ‘gay bait’ haha!! He’s one of my only straight guy friends who will go dancing with me at the gay bars.”

A different user wrote in response to the viral tweet, tagging their friend: “thank you for always having my back when I need you.”

Their friend replied: “Forever and always❤️”

One person wrote: “This makes me so happy & I’m blessed to have so many ‘Trents’ in my life honestly ❤️,” while another said: “Here’s my Trent. He’s so amazing.”

One of the many replies to a viral tweet about a wholesome straight best friend.

Countless people heaped praise on their straight friends. (ohrichi/twitter)

Bryce was delighted with the replies to his viral tweet, writing: “Ok, seeing the responses of people who have someone in their life like my friend is honestly so reassuring.

“Like yes, men are trash. We get that. But there really are some gems out there [with] amazing hearts, who actually treat people as people (a concept you’d think everyone grasps).”

He continued: “It’s just nice seeing other’s support systems regardless of what society labels them as, or how they personally identify themselves.

“There’s so much hate surrounding us in the world, but seeing some love shine through gives me hope for both the near & distant future.”

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