Comedian Tom Allen responds to complaint that he talks about being gay

Comedian Tom Allen

Tom Allen was asked why he often mentions his sexuality in his comedy, and he had an amazing response.

The Mock the Week comic fielded a complaint on Facebook from a viewer who had some complaints about his sexuality.

The message read: “Dear Tom Allen, We are all well aware your gay. Please stop mentioning it every five minutes its 2019. We genuinely don’t care…”

Tom Allen took the chance to respond.

Tom Allen responded with style

He replied: “But I have to! And every five minutes! It’s most disconcerting especially when I’m at a funeral and my timer goes off.

“I guess I talk about it because it’s part of my identity. And straight people get to talk about theirs ‘every five minutes’ at least -but you’d be exhausted if you messaged them too I imagine.

“And since I was made to feel ashamed about it for most of my life (I’m still not over that now) and I get messages (every five to ten minutes) saying that it’s actually helped them by me being upfront about it I might just keep going.”

Comedian Tom Allen

Comedian Tom Allen

He added: “And in a world where people are questioning whether children should be taught in schools that gay people even exist and where parts of the world want to stone gay people to death I wonder if it might be more important than ever for us all to talk positively about who we truly are.

“Must dash as my timer is about to go- oh -I’m gay!!!

“Yours, Tom Allen.”

The response went viral, attracting 60,000 likes on Twitter.

One response said: “I can remember when it was against the law – I had no idea how many of my school and university friends were LGBT in the 70s.

“I must have hurt people by my ignorance. I’m so happy I don’t have to be stupid any more and my friends don’t have to hide who they are.”

Another added: “In the middle of this miserable world is Tom Allen, making it just that bit more bearable.”

Tom Allen: My comedy is truthful about my own experience

The comic previously explained how his comedy evolved to incorporate his sexuality.

In The Guardian, he explained: “I’ve come a long way in being honest about my sexuality onstage.

“When I first started doing comedy, I wasn’t out. It was implied and, to be honest, I have no doubt anyone who watched me could tell I was gay.

“That being said, I’ve never wanted my sexuality to be the only thing I talk about: there’s more to a person than what they get up to in the bedroom. As a good comic you want to take audiences on a tour of your whole house, not just one room.

“Now I find myself much more driven to talking about being gay – not in a way that fits some stereotype, but rather in a manner that is truthful about my own experience.

“And I still get homophobia shouted out – ‘None of the other acts talked about being straight!’ – when, of course, the other acts did mention their wives and husbands. At the end of the day, all you’ve got is your own perspective.”

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