Mhairi Black shows support for trans equality at SNP conference

Mhairi Black, the SNP MP for Paisley & Renfrewshire South, has been praised for her trans-inclusive t-shirt. (Twitter/@ScottishTrans)

Scottish politician Mhairi Black has been declared an “absolute legend” for wearing a t-shirt with a trans-inclusive slogan.

The 24-year-old Paisley and Renfrewshire South SNP MP proudly showed her support for gender-neutral bathrooms by wearing a black ‘you can pee next to me’ top.

A photo of the outfit was shared by Lanark and Hamilton East MP Angela Crawley as she posed with Mhairi Black for a photo at the SNP conference in Edinburgh.

Posting the image on Twitter, Crawley said: “All the team at Equality Network have worked with @theSNP to deliver the most progressive programme for delivering #Equality in Scotland.”

Angela Crawley, Stewart McDonald and Mhairi Black attended the SNP 19 conference. (Twitter/@AngelaCrawley30)

Angela Crawley, Stewart McDonald and Mhairi Black attended the SNP 19 conference. (Twitter/@AngelaCrawley30)

People on Twitter were quick to show their appreciation with Black’s t-shirt, with one saying how “she is the kind of politician us lot haven’t even been good enough to deserve.”

Another person said that Black was “never one to be shy. Brilliant show of support. Love it.”

Scottish MPs previously argued that allowing people to self-identify “is not something we should rush”

The show of support comes after fifteen senior SNP politicians voiced their concerns for allowing people to self-identify their sex.

The politicians argued in a letter to the Scottish government that the move could damage the legal protections given to women under the Equality Act, such as the right to single-sex spaces like bathrooms and changing rooms.

The letter said that “changing the definition of male and female is a matter of profound significance. It is not something we should rush.”

SNP members showed their solidarity for the trans community at the SNP 19 conference. (Twitter/@stewartMcDonald)

SNP members showed their solidarity for the trans community at the SNP 19 conference. (Twitter/@stewartMcDonald)

Scotland’s Equality Network responded to the letter on Twitter by saying “trans people don’t want to change the definitions of male and female; they simply want to be recognised, and treated with dignity, as the sex they are.”

Trans flags were waved at the SNP conference in response to the letter with Stewart McDonald, MP for Glasgow South, tweeting that it was “great to join SNP members in a magnificent display of solidarity with the trans community at SNP conference this afternoon.”

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