Right-wing radio host mocked for saying gay men won’t go to heaven

Right-wing radio host mocked for saying gay men won’t go to heaven

Right-wing radio host Bryan Fischer is being mocked online after he said that gay men won’t get into heaven for their parts in a “homosexual liaison.”

Fischer made the comments on his Focal Point radio show on the American Family Radio Network, which has been shared by Indy100.

In the clip, Fischer said: “There’s a whole lot of sins that will keep you out of the Kingdom of God. Here’s just an example: sexually immoral can’t get in; idolaters can’t get in; adulterers can’t get in.

Both gay men in a ‘homosexual liaison’ won’t make it into the ‘eternal kingdom’

“Men who practice homosexuality – and the term that Paul uses there, he uses two different terms, one for the active participant, the other for the passive. In the homosexual community one’s called the bottom, the other’s called the top. Not going to go into any more detail about that.

“But here Paul is talking about both parts of a homosexual liaison. Neither of them is going to make it into the eternal kingdom.”

He also reportedly slated Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buggigieg on his show and criticised him for “flaunting his homosexuality in front of the nation.”

“In the homosexual community one’s called the bottom, the other’s called the top. Not going to go into any more detail about that.”

– Bryan Fischer

Fischer has gained the attention of the gay community, who seemed impressed at his knowledge of terms such as “top” and “bottom.”

One Twitter user wrote: “I’m so glad homophobes are the experts on gay sexual matters.

Others pointed out that gay men who are versatile in sex were not mentioned in his diatribe.

Bryan Fischer

‘Only vers will be saved’

“Only vers will be saved,” one Twitter user commented.

Another said: “For I say onto thee, the Gates of Heaven will not open for Tops, nor will Bottoms sing with the angels, but the life eternal is guaranteed to Vers, those who righteously perform 69s and possibly reach arounds. Can I get an Amen!”

Another user simply said: “Bryan Fishcer is a true vers.”

Chad Felix Greene tweeted: “OK. Who told Bryan Fischer about tops and bottoms…”

MediaMatters.org has branded American Family Radio as “part of an extreme anti-LGBTQ group.

Bryan Fischer once said gay men had caused the Holocaust

Fischer is no stranger to controversy. In 2015, the American Family Association (AFA) announced that it was sacking him after he said “militant homosexuals” are “destroying America.”

Despite this, he has continued working for the radio station.

He is perhaps best known for once claiming that gay men caused the Holocaust.

“Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews.”

The American Family Association has been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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