YouTuber Tati Westbrook ends friendship with James Charles

YouTuber Tati Westbrook ends friendship with James Charles

YouTuber Tati Westbrook has publicly ended her friendship with beauty guru James Charles in a 43-minute long video after the pair had a public feud.

In the video, Westbrook detailed her gripes with the famous gay beauty blogger, and said: “I don’t think there’s any getting through to you and I don’t want to be friends with you. I don’t want to be associated with you, and I need to say that very publicly so that chapter can be closed.”

The video is the latest chapter in a dramatic public row between the pair, who were once close friends.

A row broke out between Tati Westbrook and James Charles last month

Westbrook and Charles’s row started on April 22 when Charles posted an advertised video on Instagram in which he promoted hair and sleep vitamins from a company called Sugar Bear Hair. Westbrook was upset that he had chosen to advertise the brand as she has her own company which offers a similar product.

She then posted an Instagram story in which she said that she had been “super supportive” to her friends, and continued: “When you do so much for people in your life and they not only don’t return the favour, but they just don’t even see you… I feel really used.”

“I don’t deal well with someone telling me that I need to accept an apology on their terms to fix their problems.”

– Tati Westbrook

Charles later publicly apologised to Westbrook, saying she had been “like a mother” to him when he started out on YouTube. He said he did not think about the fact that the brand he was advertising was in direct competition with her brand.

However, the row deepened again when beauty guru Gabriel Zamora posted a video in which he slammed Westbrook for her “fraudulent” behaviour.

Tati Westbrook: James Charles ‘has a way of just getting what he wants’

In her 43-minute long video, Westbrook detailed at length how their relationship came to an end from her perspective.

“From the time that I met him when he was 17 before he really had taken off on YouTube at all, I know that he has a way of just getting what he wants,” Westbrook said.

“The moment that everything kicked off, he started panicking. He was texting me, and then it got increasingly demanding, and I don’t deal well with someone telling me that I need to accept an apology on their terms to fix their problems,” she continued.

“So when you cannot even say ‘I’m so sorry, I knew this was going to hurt you, I hate seeing you cry, oh my gosh, I can’t believe you’re feeling this upset, I didn’t think you’d be this upset.’ When you can’t have any emotion for the other person who loves you so much and all you’re caring about is your image and that people are questioning if it’s you and people are commenting and that’s what you’re worried about, I’m not OK with that.”

Tati Westbrook finished the video by saying she wants to get back to normal

She then said that she intended to go and talk to Charles in person about the conflict, but changed her mind when she found out that he had been talking to “drama channels” about the conflict.

“Fame, power and a fat bank account will change almost anyone,” she added. “If you don’t have people that will tell you to your face that you are doing the wrong things, you will change.”

She finished by saying she was “sorry” that the video had to be made and said she wanted to get back to normal.

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