Arthur’s teacher Mr Ratburn is a gay, married man

Arthur's teacher Mr. Ratburn got married to a man in the first episode of series 22.

Children’s show Arthur has revealed its character Mr Ratburn to be gay as he got married to a man in the first episode of season 22.

The PBS Kids show aired the episode, titled “Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone” and starring lesbian actor Jane Lynch as a special guest, on Monday (May 13).

As TVLine reported, the plot revolved around Arthur and the gang finding out their teacher, Mr. Ratburn, is getting married. When they see him having lunch with an uptight woman who tells him to “toughen up,” the kids believe their teacher is making a mistake in getting married and try to sabotage the ceremony.

In a plot twist, the woman Mr. Ratburn was having lunch with turns out to be his sister—played by Lynch. Mr. Ratburn is instead marrying a man.

The gang looks reassured that the couple is happy and proceeds to enjoy the wedding cake, appropriately topped by two grooms.

The reveal surprised and delighted viewers in equal measure. Several people reacted to the news on social media, with “Arthur” trending on Twitter.

“I just watched this and i’m legit crying. this is so cute and so sweet. i wish i had it when i was little but i’m so happy that kids like my niece can enjoy shows and see representation like this. thank you so much to the people who created this show. much love,” one person wrote on Twitter, reacting to the episode.

Mr. Ratburn enjoying his first dance with his husband.

Mr. Ratburn enjoyed his first dance with his husband. (PBS Kids)

Another person, who commented directly under the show’s official Twitter account, wrote: “just want to yell a genuine and heartfelt THANK YOU for this episode. thank you!!! i know you’re probably about to face some pushback from hateful people but thank you for showing LGBT kids they matter and that they can find love and be happy!!!”

And yet another one wrote: “Loved this new episode of #Arthur some might be against it but who cares. Get over it, such a plot twist, but a good plot twist”

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