Pride-goer told ‘I’ll beat the gay out of you’ for wearing tight shorts

A disturbing video shows a gay man being told “I’ll beat the gay out of you” for wearing cut-off jean shorts in a McDonald’s.

The incident occurred after a LGBT+ Pride event in Barcelona and was filmed by one of the victim’s friends, who notes: “It is ironic that this happens on the same day as the proclamation of Pride.”

The footage has been viewed over 4.21 million times on Twitter since June 28.

It is believed the aggressor was offended by the way the man was dressed, which he called “disrespectful.”

Speaking in Spanish, the aggressor can be heard asking: “Why should I have to put up with this?” The queer man replies, “Why should I put up with you, because my manner (of dressing/acting) is fine, and this is a public place.”

The man then says, “I’ll beat the gay out of you,” to which the victim responds, “You don’t have to say anything to me. I’m just grabbing my burger and eating it.”

“I am going to beat you so hard your queerness disappears”

In an apparent attempt to start a physical fight, the aggressor repeatedly says, “Let’s go outside.” The other man says, “I haven’t done anything to you.”

But the man persists, adding: “When you go out I am going to hit you so hard your queerness disappears.”

A McDonald’s security guard intervenes and tries to diffuse the situation. He is told by the gay man, “I don’t need to tolerate a guy telling me how to dress.”

But the man in black says: “I am telling you to be discreet, you are in a public place. I don’t care if you are a queer.”

On being told that it is Gay Pride Day, the man responds: “I don’t care what day it is, it is also a good day to punch you. Do you want to see?”

Towards the end of the video, the person filming tries to intervene but is pushed away. Police arrived soon after but the victim did not want to press charges.

‘Homophobic’ act condemned by Mayor of Barcelona

McDonald’s joined the Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, in condemning the behaviour and said security staff contacted police when trouble started.

After raising the rainbow flag outside the city hall, Colau tweeted: “Homophobes are not welcome in our city, we will work side by side with LGTBI groups and we will not tolerate any discrimination.”

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